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  Every muscle in me froze—including my heart, for a moment. There was a gunman on the grounds, possibly already in the manor. The fear began eating me alive. I had the urge to pull the covers up, but what good would that do? I forced myself to spring up and bolt the door. I backed away, shaking, deadly silent, listening. It's then that the thought occurred to me that they would have shot at someone, and my guess was close when I said Sebastian was a bodyguard. And what if Serafin was the one who fired the shot? I could be the reason for it.

I couldn't bear to wait there, knowing I may have to means to help. I stumbled over to the wardrobe and grabbed the night robe from the dresser. I threw it over the nightgown I wore. My hands were shaking too much for me to even begin fiddling with the sash. My nerves grew even worse as I approached the door, so much that tears came to my eyes. I opened it as silently as I could and hesitantly looked down the hallway before swiftly making my way down it. I was halfway to the end when I heard more sounds—a bang, cry of pain, another gunshot.

I stopped dead in my tracks and hugged the wall, as if I could hide that way. I was heading in the right direction. The sound appeared to have come from the main room. I was a few steps away from the heart of the danger. I could turn back, I could sink to the floor in a heap of weakness. But at the same time, I couldn't—not knowing he could be dying. So I took a few more steps, and a breath before looking around the corner.


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