}12{ Pain

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Rose's POV

Kai helped us teleport home before all the other guys, and he kept an eye on Sophia. When we got home, Kai and Sophia went to stay in his room and they left us alone in the living room. Lay held my hand, and sat me down on the couch.

"What happened out there?" Lay asked looking up worriedly

"I don't know, I just...." I looked down and fumbled with my bracelet.

"We could've stopped if you were feeling weak," he held my hands in his.

"No, it wasn't that I was weak, it was just that I pushed myself too much all of a sudden, like I overused my powers or something, but something didn't want me to stop, but at the same time, I wanted to stop so badly, but it was like this craving for power..." I started crying, "Am I a bad person?"

I looked up, and his eyes were gentle.

"If people were bad for wanting something then wouldn't everyone be bad?" he wiped away my tears and pulled me in for a hug

"I don't know what you are to other people's eyes or yourself, but to me, you're my hero and my queen..."

Next Day

"What are you going to do to me?" Sophia looked at us with fear

"It's ok," I tried to calm Sophia, "it'll only hurt for a second."

She nodded her head, but I could see she just wanted this all to be over. I was doing the pain infliction on her. I stared at her intensely, and before I knew it, she fell to the ground screaming. Something inside me told me to stop, but at the same time, something wanted me to keep going.

Lay's POV

I looked at Rose, and she looked like she wasn't going to stop.

"Rose," I tried shaking her shoulders lightly, but she was just staring blankly at Sophia while she was on the floor screaming for her to stop. Rose's eyes turned black and blood started pouring out of Sophia's nose.

"AHHHHH! NO PLEASE STOP!!" Sophia screamed

"Rose!!!" I tackled her to the ground, and she immediately blinked in shock. She looked up at me and then at Sophia.

"Sophia, I'm so-" Rose tried to approach Sophia, but Sophia only whimpered and backed away.


Rose's eyes welled up with tears, "Rose," I reached out for her arm. She was sensitive to that word, 'monster'. She immediately turned her back to me and stared off into the distance for a while.

Then she started to run, and before I knew it, she morphed into a wolf and disappeared into the woods.

Rose's POV

I started running nonstop until I morphed back into a human and panted from all the running. While I was panting, without knowing tears were pouring out of my eyes. Sophia's words echoed in my head.

You monster.

I wasn't fit to have these powers. I couldn't control them. I wasn't safe to be around. I needed to talk to someone. I needed help...

"Hades. Hades. Hades."

He appeared in front of me.

"Why do you cry?" He asked, I sat down, and he stood in front of me

"I almost killed a human girl all because I enjoyed my dark powers too much," I said out loud and realized how monstrous it was.

"Ah, I see."

There isn't a way for me to be safe around people," I cried looking up at him

"Well, there is one way," he said, and I looked up at him as he continued, "if you have your powers taken away, then I can give you your family back, your mother and your father. You would have an average human life. No powers to worry about, the world would be safe."

I thought about it. 'A normal life, no powers to worry about. I wouldn't hurt Lay or any of the guys. I could have my family back.'

"You have to promise one thing, though," I said, and he looked interested as I continued, "No one that I love gets hurt. Ever."

He smirked and said, "you've got yourself a deal." We shook hands and after that everything went black.

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