}10{ Control

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Hair changes color depending on emotion
Poison touch
Shape shifting (animal and people)
Mind manipulation
Pain infliction
Power and energy absorption
Rising the dead

Natalie: speed, strength, make people see what she wants
Lay: healing
Chen: Lightning
Chanyeol: Fire
Suho: water
Xiumin: ice
Kai: teleportation
Sehun: wind
Baekhyun: light
D.O.: Earth

Rose's POV

We were practicing my invisibility. I tried to make myself disappear by focusing, but I couldn't focus when Lay was intensely staring at me. I opened my eyes and sighed in defeat.

"Try that one again," Lay said so seriously, I actually started randomly laughing and pointing at his face.

"What is it?" Lay said slightly smiling

"You're so serious!" I laughed out and he laughed mockingly, grabbed me by my hips, and we landed on the soft bed of flowers.

"Hey, Lay."


"Why do I have so many powers?"

"Because you're the princess of our planet...." he paused and looked down at me, "and the queen to my world."

I smiled as he pecked my lips and helped me to my feet.

"C'mon, we need to keep practicing. Now, focus."

Lay's POV

She closed her eyes, I watched her as she slowly would disappear but then reappear again. Her eyebrows furrowed with stress.

Then she disappeared. I waited for a second for her to reappear.

"Rose?" I called out but then I heard giggling.

I saw a pair of hands come up behind me and cover my eyes.

"Guess who?"

"Hmm. I wonder who it could be..." I said sarcastically

I turned around taking her arms and linking them with mine.

"Now we can move on." I said

Rose's POV

"This one is the one we need to be careful with." I said as I slowly placed my finger closer to the flower, I gently touched the flower and it immediately started to curl up, wilt and die.

"Now revive it." Lay said with his arms crossed but a satisfied smile

I rose my hand and the flower rose with it.

"Maybe soon, you'll be able to test on human subjects." he said looking impressed

"Don't joke like that." I gave him a serious look

"I'm sorry, I'll be the healing one, you can be the multi more powered one," he joked again.

We went back home when it was late at night. I took a shower and sat on my bed, looking out the window, staring at the full moon.

I could feel my eyes slowly becoming yellow and I blinked to turn them back to blue.

Lay told me I could only see someone who was already dead once with my power and that it could only last 5 minutes.

I closed my eyes and focused on an image of her. I heard a gust of wind and opened my eyes again.

"Mom." she was standing in front of me, this time she was real.

"Hi, sweetheart." I walked over and hugged her.

"God, I missed you so much." I cried as tears started pouring

"I missed you too, I'm sorry you had to find out about your powers like this. But I need you to be careful with your powers. Make sure to practice them everyday. You need to be in control with every one of them. If it becomes out of control around the wrong person then-"

"I know, mom." I nodded my head with understanding.

"Your father and I are so proud of you. You've grown into a woman." She kissed my forehead

"I love you, mom..." I said as she started to fade

"I love you too." Her image turned to dust.

I felt a huge wave of loneliness and fell to the ground, crying. It felt like I had cried for forever but then a warm embrace wrapped around me.

"What's wrong?" Lay asked as he kissed my hair

"My mom..." I pulled away and wiped my tears with my sleeve while he tucked my hair behind my ears, "I saw her."

I told him everything she said. He gave me a gentle smile and said

"She's always gonna be with you. No matter where you go."

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