}09{ Monster

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Lay's POV

I ran after her, but I lost her. She didn't even say anything, she just ran off.

I followed her scent and soon found her down a dark alley.

Rose's POV

I saw a man and it looked like he was sucking the soul out of another woman.

My teeth became sharper and my eyes became yellow and I tackled him.

He tried to use some sort of pain inflicting on me and I felt it at first but some kind of force field surrounded me. I saw a man running with the woman I had just saved but before they could exit the alley, the man used his power on him.

"No!" I screamed and before I knew it, my teeth and claws became out of control.

I stood up and wiped the blood from my mouth.

'What have I done?' I thought, 'I killed him...'

"Rose?" I turned around and saw Lay

"Lay, don't touch me right now. I don't want to hurt you..."

He grabbed me slightly by the arm, and my wolf took over again. I scratched him across the face making him yelp. I gasped and used my hands to cover up my mouth.

"I'm sor-" I reached out to touch his arm but he only looked up, "Don't touch me!" his eyes were yellow and his teeth were sharp. Instant regret was in his eyes as he reached out to wipe away my tears.

I still hadn't gained full control and I transformed into my white wolf and ran.

Lay's POV

I didn't mean to snap at her like that. She was just trying to tell me to stay away, but I didn't listen. I had 3 bleeding scratch marks across my cheek. I could still feel the pain being inflicted on me even if it was minor, but I chased after her. She ran too fast though.

Rose's POV

I ran until I was somewhere in the middle of the woods.

"AHHHH!" I screamed out in frustration.

I was a monster. I killed someone. How would Lay see me? How would I see myself?

"Hello, darling."

I turned around and saw a man who looked like he was in his 50s, and that I did not know.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I can't anyway. Oh I'm Hades, by the way," he extended his hand to shake mine. But I only stared at him coldly.

"Anyways," he pulled his hand back, "right now, I'm just a vision, and I want to help you find all your powers. Yes, I know what they are and trust me, you don't know anything yet. That force field you just used, that was from your grandmother, she had that power. Anyways..."

"What makes you think I want your help?" I asked him, standing my ground. He smiled as he formed 8 different colored light balls in his hand and he threw them at me. I used my telekinesis and caught them but instead they just went into my body and I absorbed them.

"So let's see, poisonous touch, invisibility, shape shifting, mind manipulation, pain infliction, power absorption, energy absorption, and rising the dead."

"Why are you doing this? What's your reason?" I asked him staring at my hand

"No reason. But if you ever struggle with your powers, just say my name 3 times and it would be a pleasure to help you." I turned my head at the sound of the snap of a twig and when I turned back around, Hades was gone.

I started walking when I saw a small plant. "Poisonous touch, huh?" I used my finger and poked a leaf on the plant. It immediately became black, and withered.

I closed my eyes and put put that power away in my body. "Rising the dead..." I touched the same plant again, and it was revived, I smiled.

"Rose." I turned around and saw Lay. He tried to approach me.

"Don't..." I whispered, he slowly reached for my hand and I felt calm again.

"See? You're ok..." I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist as I hugged him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you...." I whispered. He kissed my shoulder and held me tighter against his body, "it's ok, I shouldn't have pushed you like that."

"I'm a monster..." I cried out

"No, no, you're not. He was hurting that other woman anyway. We couldn't have just done nothing about it."

"Why is this happening to me? Why am I losing control all of a sudden?"

"It's ok, we can learn to control it again," He whispered as he wiped away my tears with a swipe of his thumb, "it's just one power."

"Actually, Hades came to see me," his eyes widened, "he gave me the rest of my powers and told me what they were."

"Oh," he said then smiled, "well I guess we just have to learn how to control all of them, don't we?" He kissed my forehead.

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