}11{ Training

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Rose's POV

I woke up at 10 AM and looked up at Lay, he looked so peaceful with his eyes closed...

I didn't like it.

I kissed his cheek and started poking his side, 'maybe he's ticklish' I thought. He only groaned and turned to his side.

"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!" I started blowing air on his ear and he immediately cringed.

He turned to lay on his stomach, his face was being smothered by the pillow. His voice was muffled but I could still understand what he was saying

"Stop it..."

"Then get up," I giggled


"Fine then," I sat on him.

"Ugh," he turned around and flipped me so that he was on top.

"I said stop."

"And I said no," I poked his nose but his eyes became yellow and he gave me a playful nip on my finger.

"You're so stubborn," I whined with a pouty face

"And you're annoying," he smirked into a kiss

"How are you feeling?" he was probably referring to last night

"I'm fine. I just wanted to see her one last time, to say goodbye, that's all," I said and smiled sweetly.

"That's good," he whispered as I poked his dimple.

We were walking into the kitchen but as we opened my bedroom door, Sehun walked out of his room seeing us walk out of the same room.

"Hi g-" Sehun stopped and saw us holding hands, "ok..." Sehun quickly walked away

"It's not what you think, yah nasty!" I yelled after him. Lay just laughed

I walked into the kitchen and as usual, the guys saw us and silently giggled.

"You guys are so gross..." I scrunched up my face and walked over to the counter

"What? Why are they laughing?" Lay asked completely dumbfounded

I laughed at Lay's innocence and went to grab a bowl for milk and cereal.

"What are you guys gonna go do today?" I asked as I ate a spoonful of my cereal

"We're going to do our training" Suho responded, "Wanna come?"

"Yeah sure. I still need to master some of my powers."

At the battle grounds

We each started battling each other. Lay wanted me to do my own individual training. Today we were mastering the power and energy absorption, and if we had time we would do a few more.

"Just try it," Lay said as I looked up at him unsure.

"I don't want to hurt you though," I pouted

He took my hands in his and gave me a sweet kiss.

"You won't," he said as I bit my lip and nodded my head.

I hovered my hands over his chest and could feel more powerful already. I opened my eyes and he immediately fell to the ground. I used his powers and healed him and he woke up.

"Is it working?" he asked curiously

"Mhm," I made his power show up in my hands and pushed it into his chest. He gasped and after a while, he saw a dead flower and he touched it with a single finger and it became colorful again.

"Shall we continue?" he asked smirking

"I'm not sure how we're going to practice the rest though." I said looking worried

"Kai," he looked over to Kai and Kai disappeared for about 10 seconds but when he came back, he was holding on to a girl's wrist.

"Lay..." I turned around and gave him a dangerous look, "I told you I didn't want to test this on people yet-"

"Don't worry, with your mind manipulation, and my healing, she'll walk away with not a single scratch."

The girl whimpered and Kai gently asked her what her name was

"Sophia," she responded shakily

"It's ok, Sophia, when we're done, you won't remember a single thing that happened here," Lay responded, walking over to her and leading her towards me by her shoulders

Lay gave me a nod of approval to start. I observed all of Sophia's features, her black hair, brown eyes, her pale skin. I closed my eyes and focused on shaping into her figure.

I opened my eyes and Lay was slowly clapping impressively.

"Did it work?" I asked in a voice that wasn't mine. I knew the answer and smiled.

Just to mess around, I looked and Lay and gave him a smirk before transforming into him.

"Hmm I would almost say you look more handsome than me..." Lay said. I only laughed and morphed back into myself, I turned around and saw Sophia completely in shock.

"It's ok, Sophia," I said giving her a gentle smile

"Ok, now since you've already changed into the wolf before, just think of the animal and it should be easy."

Immediately I changed into a horse, a dove, and a fox. I changed back into myself

"Well that was quick," Lay commented

"Are we sure we should do the last two today?" I asked nervously

"We don't have to do those today, if you don't want to." Lay said giving me a hug

"I don't want to. Let me just battle with the others for now."

"Ok, make sure to be careful," Lay said, looking down at me seriously

"I know" I responded and he gave me a peck on the cheek

Sophia was now staying with Lay and she was still shaking but Lay kept assuring her that she wouldn't remember any of this by tomorrow night.

While I was fighting with D.O he made an earthquake. I used my invisibility and snuck up behind him to absorb his power, but when he turned around then he must have gotten too surprised because some rocks flew straight towards me and I used my shield.

"Rose, are you ok?!" D.O asked when I put my shield down, everything around me was spinning. I fell to the ground and felt like I couldn't move.

Lay's POV

"Rose?! Hey, what's wrong?!" I called

"She collapsed!!" I heard D.O say

I immediately ran and left Sophia with Kai. I got to D.O and placed my hands on her shoulders. I closed my eyes and focused on her. When I opened my eyes, her eyes fluttered open as well, "I think that's enough training for today," I said as I gave her a hug.

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