"It's High Noon." + New Art Supplies

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   Before i say anything, i just want to say something really important, and that thing is, "excuse my crappy colouring"! So now since that's said, onward with the chapter!

   So just saying, i mainly drew this picture of McCree from Overwatch so i could test out my new marker things. They're really good, and i think they look a lot better then the crappy sharpies i was using! Well, there is a brush in one of those lids, and when i say "brush" i mean a paint brush that's literally infused with ink. I used the brush for the sides of his hair :3 .

   Well, anyways, even though i wasn't planning on posting this, 'cause it was meant to be a "test drawing" sorta thing, i ended up posting it, 'cause it didn't end up too shabby. At least it doesn't look like trash, to me anyways. I ended up posting it though because i loved that i could have different sizes of the outlines, for various things. It certainly does create a bit more depth.

   Also, on a unrelated note, i'm planning on buying some more things. What is it you ask? Copic markers! I actually was planning on buying those instead of the ones i have right now, but then the employees at the store i was buying them from told me "The copic factory had a problem with creating the copic markers, so we're out". At that point forward, i was crying........on the inside at least :3 .

   So yeah, that's all for this chapter! Hope you enjoyed, and have a good day/night! Buh-baaaaaai!


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