Kaita Dragna

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   -( I updated this and changed a couple things. I added somethings to the drawing, and added additional information. Sorry, i just really wanted to throw this out there :3 . )

   -( Note that the purple looking colours IS NOT PURPLE, but is a dark magenta, well atleast i tried to mix red, pink, and a magenta-ish colour together to get that. Just wanted to say that! )

   So i drew this, and it took me two hours and thirty minutes, which is surprisingly not that long :3 . I mainly drew and made Kaita for my friend MinecraftLover528 's possible book she may be making.

In case you can't read what the words say beside her, it says this;

"Life's a game. Play it without regret, or else the game will play with you."
-Kaita Dragna

Below is more facts about her!

-Is athletic, and loves anything challenging.
-Is good with combat. She can punch and kick well, and also use swords and nunchucks.
-She's 16 years old.
-Hates anyone overdramatic, and pervy *cough* Mettaton *cough .
- Her left (your right) eye turns blank when she feels intense anger.
-Is the "act now, think later" type of person, but is actually very smart.
-Is very loyal to her friends.
-Won't give up without a fight, whether that's verbally, or physically.
- She's actually supposed to represent me :3 .
   ~Soul colour is a dark magenta.
   ~Kaita's personality trait ( ex. Determination, Justice, Integrity, etc. ) is PASSION.

Well that's all for this chapter! Hope you guys liked this drawing :3 .

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