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This is dedicated to The Love Of My Life~~


I can't believe it

It's already been 3 months..


It's been three month since I've met the love of my life. Three months since I fell in love with that one person. And I'm so happy.

Even though you won't be back for at least 12 hours or less, I still want to write this for you~

Remember when I confessed to You and was super shy and scared about it? Yeah, and you actually accepted me. Yeah I almost died honestly. That was one of my Favourite moments ever.

Remember when you finally said I love you back? Omg I cried tbh (they call me crybaby crybaby-) Omf you made me freak out in class and almost die. My Friend JalayahJackson  should know lol.

Oh oh! Remember when we first called each other and we're both Super nervous lol. You probably didn't know but I was literally writing about how nervous and shaky I was getting lol.

I can't remember the last time I actually called you my everything.. But I bet you can can't you my love.

I would Make this book longer but that would probably get out of hand aha~
So I'll shorten it up.

These last three months have been the best months I could've ever asked for. Even if we've had our ups and downs, we still made it. And I'm thankful for everything you've done for me, putting up with my actions and attitudes, for staying with me, for changing my life for the better. I'm thankful for meeting you my love. And I hope for nothing to ever break us apart. I pray that we can overcome anything and anybody that tries to ruin out relationship.

~~~~~ I Love You ~~~~~

3 flipping months! August 9th! Yaaaaasssss
This chapter is dedicated to my lovely Girlfriend
Love ya babe happy 3 months~ 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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