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Hai Hai! I'm back again with my weirdness *bows* today since I'm very bored I've decided to write a song that is still in progress. Just a heads up, I'm not a pro with lyrics so please forgive me if some lyrics make no sense. I'll put a small part of one of my songs.
Aye if your in that group chat with me you might recognise some lyrics especially CXMichelle_  and SooraMin_ . Now let's start with my horrible lyrics
(Part of the chorus from Flower Petal)
Flower Petal
Tell me now
My heart is crashing down
Can you hear me?
Can you see me?
Do you know that my heart is slowing down?
My Flower Petal.
Help me now.
(It's horrible I know ;-;)

Okay that's all I can put for now. I must run now my friends. I'll possible post more bad lyrics later but for now, SEE YOU LATER MY LOVELY FRIENDSUE!

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