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Don't you just hate having to wake up younger sibling in the morning? Like I have to do that mostly everyday now, I'm basically a human alarm clock. I try my best not to snap when trying to wake up my little sister. I have to wake up 3 people in the morning but she makes it feel like I'm waking up a crowd. No matter how nice I get she ignores me, goes to sleep, calls our mom, or tells me to shut up. And boy when I tell you I get mad as a mother trucker trust me I am. Like I'm still mad from yesterday's events and she knows I still am, she doesn't straight up just do what I say. I have a large amount of stress wound up in me already and seeing that my sister is being this way, I don't think my stress will go away anytime soon. Now about the other 2 I have to wake up. They're okay, well the youngest one is. She's a major brat all the time but in the morning she knows what to do and does it instantly. But the other one is annoying a little. The other one is as stubborn as can be and I hate it. When I pull the covers off of her she pulls them back on and turns away. I can't wake her up until her mom gets her. She always finds an excuse to go back to sleep and I hate it a lot. Tch, I swear they'll be the death of me.

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