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Don't you just hate it when you get spammed by your friends? Well I go through that mostly everyday. So my friend texts me a lot on Kik, she doesn't say anything that important, she mainly talks about her boyfriend and it gets really annoying and she sends emojis. Okay I don't have a thing against emojis but I don't like when people use them for serious things. We had this HUGE fight one day. I was getting annoyed with her talking about her boyfriend so I asked her to stop talking about him so much. Since I'm mean like my mom. (My mom is nice but gets annoyed easily). I told her that not everybody has a boyfriend and that can make single people feel lonely or left out. And since I am single I got jealous since she has somebody that loves her. Then my friend let's call her yame. Yame told me that we have nothing else to talk about besides that, and I got really confused and a little mad and said. "We can make up things to talk about not everybody cares about your boyfriend. I see him basically everyday." And somehow that sparked something inside her and she used emojis in the end making get all cold. I said "If your just going to talk to me about your boyfriend then we're not talking anymore. I tried to warn you but you didn't take me seriously." And yame got upset and threatened to kill herself. I swear my face was so expressionless. She's threatened to kill herself 8 times already yet she's still here. It gets boring so I didn't even care. She put multiple knife emojis and I gave up on her cause those emojis made the whole serious feel go away. And I ignored her for a week. Yeah I have low tolerance for these types of things. See you next time my lovely Friendsue.

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