Running out of titles lol

20 4 35

MingIsYourDaddy: Te fuck you want midget
RapFullyLoaded: Don't mistake me for WooSlut
WooUji: Just wait VerBitch
DaddyCups: Where are your parents omf
RapFullyLoaded: MingShit fight me
MingIsYourDaddy: Why don't you Hop off SeungKwan's Dick first?
WooUji: What dick lol
TheBaddestBoo: Stop sucking SoonYoung's dick WooHoe
WonLeaveMeAloneWoo: All of you are killing me
RapFullyLoaded: Your face kills everyone
MingIsYourDaddy: His face is life unlike yours. Your face looks like a monkey took a shit and an elephant stepped on it.
TheBaddestBoo: Don't compare your face to his MingBitch
WooUji: SeungKwan stop defending your brat
DaddyCoups: Why did JeongHan and JiSoo leave me with you imbeciles again?
SeokMyDong: LowKey recording
WooUji: Shut up you Effing rainbow troll
Hosh10: Calm down JiHoe don't get your panties in a twist damn
RapFullyLoaded: Hey MingFuck, where's your life at?
MingIsYourDaddy: Where's your dick at?
DaddyCoups: Where are you parents?!
ChanOnTop: Please calm down I can't even dance without my phone going off every two seconds
Savage8: Jun they're at it again. What should we do?
JunIsGoingToWreckYou: I say we let the idiots fight.
DaddyCoups: Oh my JiSoo GO TO BED!!
WonLeaveMeAloneWoo: You go to bed you old wannabe PSY.
DaddyCoups: Stop being a jerk
WonLeaveMeAloneWoo: Stop trying to flirt with JiHoon and JeongHan.

~~~~ JiSooIsTakingTheWheel bas logged on ~~~~
JiSooIsTakingTheWheel: I have the bible.
~~~~ everyone has logged off ~~~~

I need sleep

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