Chapter Seven: All My Friends are Heathens (Pt.2)

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The third time I was woke up, screeching alarms were going off and Harry was gone.

"What's going on?" I rubbed my eyes of sleep and walked to the door. I peeked in the hallway and was meet with more alarms and flashing lights. "Guys?" I yelled, but there was no echo back.

I walked down the flight of stairs into the kitchen. A metallic smell smacked me in the face when I entered the room. The rancid aroma hit me harder as I walked near the counter and looked over the granite slab. My stomach turned and I felt my empty stomach try to heave. There was a body laying behind the table with its internal organ ripped out and blood was slipping everywhere. I felt my lunch from two days ago in my throat, but I kept it down and tried to find the guys.

"Why do they have such a huge as house?" I spoke to myself as I searched from them. I checked the bedrooms first, then the game room, then the media room. They were no-where to be found.

"This isn't funny, guys." I screamed. They are so stupid. "I'm serious." Behind me, I heard footsteps. "Hello."

"Hello, Louis." I turned. There stood the guy from the mall bathroom. "Have a nice nap?" he smiled.

"What are you doing here?" I inquired.

"I was walking through the neighborhood and thought I'd drop by." He twirled a long knife in his abnormally large hand.

"Where are Niall, Harry, Liam, and Zayn?" I got out.

He chuckled. "Some place secret, but don't worry. You'll be reunited with them soon." He snapped his finger.

Before I could say anything, a towel was placed over my mouth and someone had trapped me in their arms. I wrestled in their grip, but whatever was in the towel made me feel sleepy.

"Wake up!" Cold water was splashed onto my face and I shivered. "Good morning, boys." A deep voice sounded from the darkness. I couldn't see anything passed four feet in front of me.

"Who's there?" a different voice rang out.

"Zayn?" I knew that voice from anywhere.

"Louis?" That was Niall.

"Niall?" There goes Liam.

"Liam?" Finally, Harry.

"I can't see anything or move. Where are we?" I struggled against some ropes.

"I'm not a hundred percent sure, but I have a feeling we're in..."

The lights clicked on, silencing Harry. A man stood in the far corner, hat covering his eyes.

"Hello, boys. Have a nice travel?" He spoke.

All the boys growled at the stranger. "Now, now. That's no way to treat your host." He strutted over to us.

"Who are you?" I asked dumbly.

He cackled and pulled off his large hat. I gasped. "Edward Styles at your service."

He was an exact replica of Harry. I looked back and forth between the twins in awe. "What the fuck?"

Edward pouted. "Did my dear brother not tell you about me?"

I shook my head.

The evil one shook his head. "Harry, Harry, Harry. Always the one to keep me in the shadows."

"Let us go, Edward." Harry snarled.

"But, Hazza, you just arrived. Why don't you stay a while?" Harry scoffed.

"I would love to, but I particularly like you."

"What a shame? I thought we could make up for all those years you did me wrong."

"I did no such thing."

"You took my rightful spot as pack leader!"

"It was never your spot. Dad trusted me more. Our pack would have been in shambles if it wasn't for me!"

Edward smirked. "Well, look where we are now." Another light turned on and I almost hurled for the second time today.

"Remember them, H?" he said referring to the piled of dead bodies.

"I-I." Harry choked up.

"Harry, what is that?" I whimpered.

"I-I." was all he got out.

"These." Edward gestured toward the pile. "are debris of Harry old pack."

I turned towards Harry. He was frozen.

"Poor, Harry. He thought he was strong enough to lead a pack. Too bad, he was wrong. Dead wrong." Edward cackled.

"Harry," Liam whispered. "Please tell me he's lying."

The curly haired boy hung his head. "I can't. I tried so hard. But I couldn't save them." He cried.

"Awe, Harry, don't worry. Their deaths will be avenged. Right after I kill you and your friends." Edward smiled, then left.

We were silent. "Harry, what happened before you came to our pack?"

He sniffled. "I was the leader of the West Vampire Pack. We were the most feared group. Leadership was passed down to the oldest son. Since my brother and I are twins, he had to earn the title."

"We practice day and night for the part. Edward was a bit more hostile with everything and would pick fights with the other member. No-one really like him. When we were sixteen, it was time to choose a pack leader. Everyone picked me and Edward was angry. He tried to kill our father and me. When he realized he wasn't strong enough, he ran away and never came back."

"It was two years later. He had come back with an army of werewolves. They destroyed the pack house and everyone in it. I somehow got away. I ran as fast as I could. And never turned back." He finished.

"Harry," Zayn sighed. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"I didn't want it to be your problem."

Liam snorted. "Well, look where we are now."

"Now is not the time, Liam." I defended Harry.

He glared. "We need to figure a way out of here." I looked around for some windows, but there were none. I slumped in my seat.

"There's no way..." Shouts were heard from in the room. The door to the room was a kicked down and I cowered in fear. When the dust cleared, the boys screamed, "Josh!" A short, muscular boy with black hair stood in the door frame.

He smiled. Hey, boys. Need some help?"

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