Chapter Four: It's blasphemy

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"Louis, can you pass me the salt?"

I slowly turned my head and glared at him. "Are you joking right now? Why would you ask the shortest person in the room?" I snarled.

He held his has up in defense. "I'm sorry. I'll get the salt." He went to the spice cabinet, pulled out the container of salt and continued cooking some "special" meal.

After the tense moment we had a few hours ago, Harry decided to make a nice dinner for all of us. He said he had to make a separate dish for me because I "couldn't handle" their food. So far the kitchen smelled great and nothing was burnt.

"Something smell great." Liam jogged downstairs. Immediately, Harry stood in front of me so Liam couldn't harm him in anyway. "What are you doing?" the robust boy raised an eyebrow when he saw the lanky boy.

"I don't want any blood on the cabinets."

I rolled my eyes. "Wow, thanks for caring about me."

"What's wrong with a little blood, Hazza?"Liam winked and got a drink out of the fridge.

Suddenly, the loud sound of footstep sounded through the house. The word 'food' was screamed and we all knew it was Niall. He rounded a corner and ran in the kitchen.

Harry guarded his pots and shouted, "No, Niall. They food isn't ready yet." But that didn't stop the blonde boy. He continued trying to reach the food. Soon, Harry became angry. "I said enough, Niall." The smaller boy was flung into a wall. I rushed to Niall, trying to help him, but Liam held me back. I struggled in his grip. Niall hadn't moved and I was starting to worry.

"He isn't not moving!" I shouted, but the stupid boy wouldn't let me go.

"What is going on down here?" Zayn peeked his head in the archway. He saw Niall on the floor, groaning. "What did you do Harry?"

"How would know it was me?" He whined. We all looked at him. "Okay, it was me."

"Of course it was." Zayn approached Niall. "Come on, buddy, get up." All Niall did was groan and roll over. Zayn sighed, and hoisted the boy over his shoulder. There was an unpleasant cracking sound and I flinched. "We'll be right back." As Zayn and Niall walked away, I heard groaning and a 'shut up'.

"Well, this food isn't going to cook itself. Get back to work, Harold." Liam clapped his hands.

"Can you be any more insensitive?" I mumbled under my breath.

Liam turned to me. "What was that, Lou?" He asked.

"I said..."but a look from Harry stopped me. "Nothing, Liam. I said nothing." I forcefully smiled.

"Alright then." Liam looked surprised.

I sat back down on a stool and watched Harry finish the food. By the time he was done, Niall had come back good as new, but a little upset at Harry. Harry, however, apologized and promised Niall whenever he got mad, he could slam Harry into a wall. The two boys laughed and began eating.

"This is amazing, Harry. What is it?" I was curious to know what kind of meat he had put on my plate.

He paused for a moment. "It's chicken."

"It doesn't taste like chicken."

"It's chicken, Louis."

"Are you sure..."

He slammed his hands on the table, making it shake. "Yes, I'm absolutely a hundred percent positive it's chicken."

I decide to pester him no further. I didn't want to end up like Niall. I had a feeling I wouldn't bounce back as quick.

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