Chapter Five: Why'd you come? You knew you should have stayed.

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"It's too early for this." I groaned as Liam turned on the light. I pulled the covers over my head just to have them pulled off of my freezing body. I shiver and opened my eyes. I glare at the nuisance. "Why are you waking me up?"

"It's twelve thirty, you numbskull. Get up. We have some cleaning to do." He said.

I huffed. "Why do I have to clean? It's not my house."

"For now, it is." Liam muttered, but I heard it.

"What do you mean for now?" I inquired.

"Just get dressed."

I stuck my tongue out. "Make me."

He smirked. "Okay then." He grabbed my arm and led me to the closet. "Pick what you want." I snatch a band tee and a pair of white sweat pants off their hangers. I turned to say I was done and Liam picked me up and threw me on the bed. "Now, I'm going to ask you, do you want to dress yourself or shall I do it?"

"I'll do it." I squeaked. He smiled and left the room.

I got dressed and met the others in the kitchen. There was a big breakfast laid out, no doubt cooked by Harry.

"Good, I'm starving." I reached for a plate. I began filled my platter with delicious breakfast. After I finished, I sat down a scarfed down the food.

"Someone's hungry." Niall came into the kitchen laughing. He picked up a piece bacon and chewed. His face turned sour. He inspected the bacon, then looked at me with fearful eyes. "Harry!"

Footsteps raced towards the kitchen. "What's wrong?"

"What did you put in the food?"

"I bit of Wolf's Bane. Why?"

Niall pointed at me and Harry almost fell out on the floor.



"Come down here, now."

He walked into the kitchen. "I don't know who you thought..."

"Harry put Wolf's Bane in the food."

Zayn shrugged. "So?"

Niall nodded in my direction. Zayn widened as I picked up another piece of bacon.

He ran over and slapped the pork out of my hand. "Hey, I was eating that." I whined.

"How much food did you eat?"

"Three pancakes and some bacon, why?"

"Dear lord, Harry, you idiot." Zayn shouted.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know he was going to eat it." Harry informed.

"It was unattended, normal human food." Niall snapped. "What do you mean you didn't know he wasn't going to eat it?"

Liam came downstairs. "What's with all the yelling?"

"Harold put Wolf's Bane in the food and Louis ate it." Zayn snarled.

"I didn't mean for him to eat it." Harry cried.

"Harry, you curly head idiot. Don't you know what Wolf's Bane does to humans?"

"What does it do to humans?" I asked quietly.

"You don't want to know." Liam replied.

"But you were going to-"I stopped midsentence. A wave a nausea hit me hard. I scrambled to the trash can and hurled everything. My stomach project everything from the past few days. I could feel it emptying. I sat on the floor against the counter to catch my breath. "I feel horrible."

"As expected." Liam finished.

My stomach rumbled and just as I thought I didn't have anything thing else to give, I vomited more food.

"Niall, go get the kit. Liam, when he's done, draw him a bath. Harry, don't move or do anything."

Harry whined, "I wanted to help."

"You've already helped enough." Niall ran upstairs and Liam picked me up and carried me to bathroom. I saw Harry pout and sit in the living room.

Liam placed me on the toilet and ran a cold bath. When water was high enough, put me in the tub. I flinched at the coldness, but I got used to it. I laid back and soaked in the water. Unfortunately, I had to leave the soothing bath. Someone wrapped a towel around my waist and led me to a bedroom. I was laid down on the bed. I could hear noises, but couldn't see anything. I heard a sigh.

"I'm sorry, Lou." Then, I passed out.

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