Chapter Six: All my Friends are Heathens

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I woke up to screaming the second time around.

"Harry, how could you be fucking stupid?" That was definitely Liam.

"I'm sorry. I didn't expect him to eat the food." Harry whimpered.

"Sorry, doesn't cut it, you idiot." Niall snapped.

"Do you know what could have happened if Niall, didn't come downstairs? He could have been dead." Zayn snarled.

"Guys, please. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt him." There was a loud clap and a loud squeak and I decided Harry had enough.

I stumbled out of the bed and re-gained my balance. I opened my bedroom door and skipped down the stairs. When I arrived down stairs, the sight was displeasing to me. The others were towering over Harry, while he was cowering in the corner with a bloody nose.

"Harry!" I cried out to him. All of them looked over to me, but I was only concerned about my baby in the corner. I tried to rush over to him, but my legs gave out.

Niall rushed over to help me, but I stopped him. "Don't." I growled. He backed away. I crawled over to Harry and placed his head in my lap. He flinched at my touch, but soon leaned into.

"Someone, get the first aid kit and some ice." They didn't move. "Go!" I barked and they rushed to my command. The boy in my lap was whimpering as I pet his hair. Liam ran back into the living room with a bag of ice. I snatched it from him with a quiet thank and placed it on Harry's nose. He winced at the coldness. Niall came back into the room with the first aid kit and sat it down next to me.

"H, you need to sit up a bit, so I can fix your nose, bubba." I scooted a bit, but Harry did like it. He whined and pushed himself further in my lap. "Bubba, please." I pleaded.

He complied and sat up a bit. "Thank you. Now, lean your head forward." He leaned his head forward and I put a tissue under his nostrils and held it there.

After a while of holding the tissue, his blooding seemed to stop pouring. "Okay, H. You can lean back a bit. I'm going to put the tissue in your nose so the blood won't seep out, okay?" He nodded his head. I tore off a piece of tissue and place one in each nostril. "Keep the ice on your nose." I helped him stand up because I knew he would be dizzy.

"Go take nap. Lord, knows you need it." I told him.

"Can you lay with me?" He whispered in my ear.

I smiled. "Of course, Bubba. I just need to talk to the guys first." He nodded his head and went upstairs.

I turned towards the rest of the group.

"Louis..." I stopped him with my hand.

"No, you don't get to talk. How could you? How dare you?"

"He almost killed you!" Niall exclaimed.

"But he didn't. You all took it too far. I responded. "Punching Harry was not the answer."

"He was being careless. He got what was coming for him." Zayn shrugged. My nose flared in angry.

I picked Zayn up and pinned him against the wall. "How could you be so insensitive? He's a part of your family. Stop acting like a jerk and be nice for once."

Zayn growled. "I'm the alpha and you'll obey."

I pushed harder against the wall and whispered in his ear. "No, I'm the alpha and you'll obey me." I dropped him to the ground. "That goes for all of you." I made my way upstairs to Harry's room. I opened the door quietly. "Bubba?"

His head full of curls popped up from under the cover. He smiled when he saw me and opened his arms. "Cuddles?"

I grinned and went to lie down next to him. I began to stroke his hair and he purred in satisfaction. "That feels nice." He murmured. I laughed. "Can you sing to me?"

"Yeah, any requests?" He shook his head.

Eighteen thousand year old soul
Midwest shooting star
In the place she waits
But she moonlights rock and roll
Playing a rain dance with her guitar
Sometimes you only get one chance

You got a look in your eyes
I knew you in a past life
One glance and the avalanche drops
One look and my heartbeat stops
Ships pass in the night
I don't wanna wait 'til the next life
One glance and the avalanche drops
One look and my heartbeat stops

Last call and everybody's watching
Her voice rings out like a storm
Sometimes the past echoes in the future
Starting long before we were born
Sometimes you only get one chance

You got a look in your eyes
I knew you in a past life
One glance and the avalanche drops
One look and my heartbeat stops
Ships pass in the night

Harry began to fall asleep and I did, too. I slipped under the covers. I kissed his forehead and said, "Goodnight, Bubba." Then drift off to sleep.

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