Chapter One: Sudden Moves

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Rain pounded against the window. Tonight was going to be worse than I thought. The forecast had predicted for sunny skies and beautiful weather, but was quickly denied the request as the harsh rains poured down and winds smacked tree branches against the house.

"Do you really think it's safe to go out tonight?" I asked my friend, Nick, who was sitting on the couch, channel surfing.

"Of course it is. It's only a little ran." As if on cue, a huge clap of thunder shook the sky, making Nick and I flinch a bit.

I looked back at him and said, "A little rain?"

Nick rolled his beautiful eyes and continued to flip through channels. He paused when the News channel appeared on the screen.

A lady in an all red suit, holding a stack of cards, was standing in front of an alleyway. "The body of seventeen year old Casper McKinney was founded in the alleyway after a couple heard shouting and sobbing on their midnight walk. Sources say the body was completely drained of blood. This is the eighth body found this week. Police request citizens to stay at home and to not wonder so late at night. I'm Katie Wilson, giving you tonight's news." The segment cut off and went to a commercial about a new sports drink.

"I don't think we should go out tonight. It's not safe, Nicki." Once again. I peered outside the window. There were no cars nor people in sight. Only dimly lit streetlights.

"Lou, we'll be fine. Beside the murders have been happen on the other side of town. I doubt anything would ever happen."

I pivoted to my idiot best friend. "Did you not heard the reporter? The police advise we stay inside tonight. I don't know about you, but I'm not going to leave this house." I crossed my arms and huffed. Sometimes, I wish Nick listened to me.

"Nothing's going to happen. I pinky promise you." He held his unusually large pinky finger out to me like we did when we were little. I knew he was serious about this.

Sighing, I walked over to him and wrapped my finger around his. I was trusting him with my life at the moment. "I trust you."

Nick smiled, "Alright, now go get ready." He returned to his place on the couch. "We're leaving at ten." I looked to the clock and it was quarter till nine. Enough time to take a shower. I headed upstairs to the bathroom. I could heard Nick laughing at some stupid punchline from American Dad. I shook my head and turned the knob to start the shower then began to strip my clothes. Once the water was to my liking, I hopped in the shower. I stood under the water for a few minutes then reached for my favorite body wash, Mango-Strawberry. I proceed to scrub my body and sang a tune that has been stuck in my head for the last few days.

Sometimes you gotta bleed to know
That you're alive and have a soul
But it takes someone to come around
To show you how

She's the tear in my heart
I'm alive
She's the tear in my heart
I'm on fire
She's the tear in my heart
Take me higher
Than I've ever been

The songs on the radio are okay
But my taste in music is your face
And it takes a song to come around
To show you how

She's the tear in my heart
I'm alive
She's the tear in my heart
I'm on fire
She's the tear in my heart
Take me higher
Than I've ever been
Than I've ever been
Than I've ever been
Than I've ever been

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