iii. unstoppable

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chapter song: Foreigner's God // Hozier

I was lying in bed with the warm afternoon air infiltrating my bedroom from the wide open windows. A vinyl record colored my senses as I stared up at the ceiling with my legs hanging off the foot of the poorly made bed. It wasn't dark enough to really see the stars but I tried to imagine them anyways. Maybe that was the optimist in me.

Am I even an optimist?

I sat up slowly and stared out one set of windows overlooking the backyard. There was something about the old treehouse that always made me smile, even now. I associated too many good memories with the place to have what I'd done haunt me. My body propelled itself forward to longingly look out and wish everything could go back to the days when driving consisted of bike rides.

Slowly, I walked back over to my bed and sat on the edge. The treehouse was still very much in my line of sight but movement from the corner of my eye caught my attention. I looked over to the other set of windows which were idiotically staring at the house beside mine. A set of windows very much like mine were also wide open. A very tall male was walking around in his room that was probably the same size as mine because this had been one of those housing development neighborhoods.

I walked over slowly and leaned against the side of the window. Despite that some would call me a peeping Tom, my curiosity had been piqued. Was this Will or some other family member? What if this was a completely different family and I had to find my way out of this mess?

Who I'm assuming to be Will stopped walking when I had settled in my position. The male turned slowly to me, a very familiar frown turning into a grin. My eyes traced from his messy hair down to his calves. The rest of him was hidden beneath the window sill which was almost shocking seeing as I could probably comfortably stand in mine without my head touching the top.

"I think this is the most you've ever been home," he said rather loudly across the gap.

Before, I wouldn't be caught dead at my house unless it was supper time or I was sleeping. More often than not, Hazel would join me on my many adventures through the city, but she wasn't a run and gun kind of person. And, there was no way that I would ask her to be either.

"I find it odd that I haven't noticed you until a few days ago," I began, "but you seem to have known me forever."

"You didn't appear to like being home enough to meet me," he replied.

I shrugged slightly. "Now I have an excuse to buy better curtains."

"You never even use them," he shot quickly, too quickly.

"How many times have you seen me naked then?"

Even from this distance, I could tell he was flustered and straight off feeling awkward. I'd bet that his cheeks were tinged a color he would regret if anyone ever saw it up close. I tried not to laugh at his awkward state but found that it was impossible not to.

"It's alright. I suppose it's about a 50/50 guilt trip," I replied.

"It may be a little odd to ask now, but do you maybe want to get out and hang out with some of my friends at the lake? It'll be like a kickback," he said as if this was the best way to avoid the topic we'd just been focused on.

If I say no, I'll be in this house all night with a false hope of trying to avoid sleep once again. If I say yes, I could possibly feel lonelier there than I would in my bedroom. There was no winning despite what answer I chose.

"What time?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"I was about to head out to pick up some things before driving out," Will replied.

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