Know your Gems

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Hello ! Another reference title, I wasn't going to update this soon and was going to take a break but, I really wanted to write 'cause, I'm back to school now, So I won't be able to update as much as I want :'(.

But on to the chapter! Oh yeah, I don't own anything!

It has been a exactly 3 weeks since, our "date" and everything gone well up and down. when I came back to the shop, Mam ran up to me and hugged me, She was crying about Me being kidnapped by, 'those monsters' AKA the Megpoids. Then I got retold my punishment and we lock up and went home.

Mam's punishments are nothing to fear since, She usually drops them after a week or two, so I wasn't that restricted. Anyways doing extra work isn't that bad.

But, Gumi-san's punishment on the other hand, well Her Dad doesn't mess around. Gumi-san isn't allowed to leave the shop with me or anyone. I think Gumi-san's Dad doesn't like me very much, not that I care.

Anyways, since Gumi-san isn't allowed to leave, I go to her shop with lunch to spend time with her or if Mam won't let me, I bring out my phone and text Gumi-san. Miku said it cute that I care so much about my 'date', I told her its what a real friend would do and she laughs. Man, why am I friends with her ?

Regardless, It was about time I start going to Gumi-san's workplace after all, It was my fault, She's not allowed leave her crazy Dad's site.

"And where you think you're going ?", Mam stated sternly, oh no, not again. "I'm just going to have lunch with Gumi-san, I will be back in a hour", I tried to get out as quickly as possible but Mam stopped me.

"Rin dear please, I don't like that family, after what happened" I sighed, I looked around the shop. one could mistake it for a pawn shop, with the cream walls fill with paintings, clocks And the huge glass cabinets.

"Mam please, nothing bad is going to happened, if I'm not back in a hour then start to worry ok ?" I begged, giving her Miku's secret weapon, the deadly puppy eyes !

Mam sighed, "You look like Miku-chan when you do that.... ok go, but sweetheart, please be careful?" I grinned triumphantly at Mam, before hugging her tightly.

"Thanks Mam! You're the best Mam in the whole universe!" I cried as I ran passed her, running from the excitement. Here I come Gumi-san !

I arrived at Gumi-san's work. I decided to looked into the shop's windows, not many people here. thanks to school being just around the corner. I walked in looking at the wood panel room with red carpet and glass cabinets.

Mister Megpoid-san gave me his famous please-get-out-of-my-shop-smile as I smiled pass him and went into the more dirty back, where a poor angel was working away. Thank God Miku can't read minds, otherwise I would never heard the end of how 'cute' am I .

"Working hard ?" I whispered into her right ear, She turned to look at me and smiled. Gumi-san has been around my habit for so long that, she doesn't even finch as much at all.

"Hey, did you bring lunch or do I have to make sandwiches like last time ?" Gumi-san grinned at me, while I blushed. "no I got lunch right here !" I stated positive, I looked in my bag, me and Len have similar looking bags, expect my white bag looks rough and has a orange keychain, while Len's is clean white and has a banana keychain.

"Um Rin-san, did you you change keychain ?"

"No.... why ?"

"Oh because, it's a banana keychain not your usual keychain, so I was just wondering...." I hit my head off of Gumi-san's workbench, I brought the wrong bag.

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