Chapter 3

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They had to wait for a couple of  hours before Dusk arrived. By then the sky was as pitch black as he was. By before he arrived, everyone else had fallen asleep. Well mostly everyone. Scar, Goliath and Storm had fallen asleep quite quickly, but it was quite a while till Absolute fell asleep. And when she did, it was leaning against Cross's shoulder.
I think she...trusts me. But why? I'm not a trustworthy dragon. Well, everyone else trusted me to stand watch for Dusk so...maybe they all do.
He looked down at the gash along Absolute's wing. The cut was starting to get worse looking and the green lights along her body were going slightly pale. They pulsed in time with her breathing which was sometimes ragged. She needed help. And fast.
A thud uphill made him look up. A pure matte black dragon stood. He looked over at the camp of dragons and noticed the one awake. Cross waved in his direction and he strode over.
He talked with a surprisingly high pitched voice for a male. But it was still a normal voice.
"I'm uhh guessing that you guys are part of the prophecy. Well I am apparently too so..." He started trailing off. Cross noticed that his scales gleamed in the moonlight.
Hmm. Maybe one with the metal scales? We'll have to see.
"Howdy. And yes we are the prophecy dragonets if that's how anyone refers to us. I'm Cross and I'm guessing you're Dusk." He held out his talons for him to shake it. It was odd because he tried to do this without waking the sleeping Absolute. He never would of done that for any other dragon though.
Dusk hesitantly shook his hand. (Is hand even the right term here?) The hard, cold feel of his hand confirmed one thing. He did indeed have metal scales.
"Dusk you should get some sleep. You've flown quite far so I'de rest while you can."
He nodded and curled up near him. Within minutes he was sound asleep.
Cross looked back at Absolute to see her smiling in her sleep.
Cross smiled at this. At least she's happy somewhere. Because it feels like this world is trying it's best to make her and her tribe miserable.
He looked up at the two moons shining eerily over them.
And I'll try my best to make it a happy world for her. I don't know how. But I will.

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