Chapter 2

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One by one 5 other dragons his sort of age landed around him, their parents winging away, some more hesitant than others. There was a black dragon with long jagged streaks on her, a blood red dragon who looked like he was trying not to burst out laughing at these new odd looking dragons, a significantly muscular sandstone coloured dragon sat inspecting these new dragons, a smug looking grey dragon looked at his new "partners" as of they were inferior to him and finally a robotic dragon who was obviously shy as she was trying to shrink away without anyone noticing. It was about five minutes until one of them decided to speak up.
" anyone hungry? Or should we just stand here doing nothing?" Said the crimson scaled dragon. He ha what in the human world would have been called a Western American accent.
"Oh I could gladly go for a bite." Said the female WeatherWing with a strong Irish accent.
"So does a anyone know any good hunting grounds?" Said Cross. He had the most indistinguishable accent so far.
"Umm. I know one not so far from here." Cross was surprised to see that the GeneticWing was the one who spoke up. She had a normal dragon voice but it was slightly robotic. Like speaking through a mild auto tuner.
Cross smiled friendly at her. He never had anything against this new tribe so he always wanted to meet and greet with one.
"Lead the way if you would." He replied. She smiled at him in a way that made Cross feel something...odd. Something he had never felt towards another dragon. Ever. And he never would feel it towards another dragon. Just to her.
She's just lov--
His thought were caught off by the fact that he heard a snarl and a yelp. He felt someone grip his arm to see the GeneticWing grasping his arm and looking pale. She at her wing which now had a large slice down it. She winced and looked up at Cross.
Tears started flowing down here cheeks. She pointed to the VoidWing who had green fluid all over his claws. Cross's face went from shock to confusion to rage. He took a threatening step towards this traitor. He took one more look at the GeneticWing before rushing forward at the outstanding speed of his tribe. He was about 10 metres away from him originally but within less than a second he was behind the VoidWing with one arm holding his arms back and the other used to press a claw lightly to his neck.
The VoidWing spoke in an oily voice that annoyed him.
"Well well well. What have we got here? A ScavengedWing trying to defend the cause of this war. Not to mention her part in the prophecy literally says "The Absolute cause" which means she did cause this war." Cross tightened his grip around his arms and he winced.
"Actually I just thought of something. If what I think is true than she is innocent. My name is Cross. My part of the prophecy says "The Scavenged Cross". It does not mean that I'm a cross-breed. It means my name is Cross and I'm from the Scavenged tribe. I bet your name is Dusk isn't it? And her name is Absolute. Those two are Scar and Storm. And her name is Goliath. Am I right to any of that?" They all nodded. Except The VoidWing who just smiled.
"Actually my name isn't Dusk. It's Terroriser. I will admit that the reason I'm here is to kill you all. And before you ask about him, Dusk is flying here as we speak. So do what you want with me. I'm worthless to my tribe, I couldn't even kill someone who was standing still."
Cross looked at the other dragons. "Any ideas of what we should do with him?"
The FrostWing stood forward. She spoke in what sounded like a Russian accent.
"We should ask him who sent him. And what his payment was." She glared at Terroriser. "It's unacceptable to attack one of my friends." She looked at Absolute with friendly smile and she returned it.

"Well I'll guess I'll have to spill it then. I was hired by my Queen, Queen Ethereal. My payment was survival actually, as if I declined job I would have been executed on the spot. And I probably will be by you 5." He looked at his talons looking honestly crestfallen.
Cross surprisingly let him go and looked him in the eye. "Go to the Scavenged kingdom, request an audience with the Queen and ask to live in the Scavenged kingdom. Say Cross sent you. I was one of her junior head guards so she'll probably say yes. And don't say something like "I'll be fine" because we both know you'll be killed if you go back to your home."
Terroriser looked at him hopefully. He nodded and got ready to take off.
"One more thing Terroriser. If you do anything like what you just tried to any of us again, I won't be so merciful."

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