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Description: Crimson to Black scales, black teeth and talons, any shade of red eyes, probably the shortest tempered tribe, what the skywings of Pyrrhia would call "Born with too much fire" is harnessed and controllable by most ScorchedWings, quick thinkers, but ideas aren't always great, do NOT under ANY circumstances insult these dragons, while in "Burst" mode when their fire scales are activated they glow yellow, avoid touching these dragons when in Burst mode at ALL COSTS!

Powers/Abilities: All ready listed the power of fire scales, can shoot white-hot fire from their mouths, extremely rare chance to spit molten metal.

Queen: Queen Smouldering (Slight tribute to my second favourite character of the canon WoF timeline.)

Bordering tribes and position of tribe in Charvelt: Located in a secluded volcanic island where heat proof animals and prey live, do not border any tribes but nearest to the Scavenged kingdom. It is not advised to visit their island as the air there is so volcanically polluted it is almost impossible to breath.

Known animus: No known animus.

Allied tribes: Allied to the GeneticWings and TerraWings.

Wings Of Fire: Absolute ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now