Chapter 1

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In the Tide kingdom....

"What do you mean part of a prophecy?" Cross screamed at the "news" he was trying to get over.
"Well your egg had the word "Cross" on it like it was perfectly engraved. I know you've heard the prophecy. That's why we are out here. To bring you to the other dragonets" Said the father who gestured to the surrounding island of the Tide kingdom. Like his son, and all other Scavenged wings, his scales looked like they had been ripped of a tapestry. But his sons "patches" were unique. The patchs were the scales coloured to look like leather squares, sown to each other. But his were in cross shapes, where he got his name from. It was more than just a coincidence that his egg had "Cross" engraved into it and the prophecy said "The Scavenged Cross will help".
"But... What if I let everyone down? Disappointing is the one thing I hate doing but do all the time. I'm bound to muck everything up. Maybe we should just fly back home and forget all this prophecy nonsense." Cross said, looking down at his talons.
He felt a warm wing rest on his shoulder and looked up. His father crouched to his height and looked him in the eye. "The only time you ever disappoint me, is when you have that negative mind set. Think of all the people you are going to help. I know you're shy but these dragons all are in the same situation as you. They may not have the same mindset, some might want to do this. But they are in the same situation as you. All this pressure may not bode well. But I believe in you. And I always will." Patch said honestly. He looked into the air and smiled slightly. "Well, the others are here. I'm leaving. I'll see you soon, Cross."
He hugged his son happily, and with one final wave, he lifted off into the air, leaving his Son, with his new family.

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