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Description: Almost look like living trees, have very mossy covered body, horns like branches, berries can grow on their body, strong claws to hang on to branches and trunks, peaceful tribe that don't fight but do have a place in the war, don't have wings, not much else is known about them.

Powers/Abilities: Can climb trees, their scales can make them blend into forestry extremely well, are the only tribe that trades with other mainlands such as Pyhrria.

Queen: Queen Sycamore

Bordering tribes and position of tribe in Charvelt: To the left of Charvelt in the thick forested area, an island can be seen of the coast of the Terra kingdom and is thought to be the Genetic kingdom but dragons are unable to get there because of the violent storms that can rip dragons in two.

Known animus: A healer known as Apothecaries has weak traces of animus powers.

Allied tribes: GeneticWings and ScorchedWings

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