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Description: White, light grey, smokey grey or black scales, no horns, pure black eyes, smokey grey talons and teeth, pointed ears, flat heads, underside of wings are matte black and absorb light, scales can sometimes be metal.

Powers/Abilities: Chance of being born with metal scales, can hear quite well, can turn body into a pillar of smoke and can pass through walls, can see in the dark, natural camouflage in the dark, a weird phenomenon where one new born dragon every 1000 years can carry out their name e.g Swift was the fastest dragon alive.

Queen: Queen Ethereal

Bordering tribes and position of tribe in Charvelt: Does not border any tribe as their tribe is deep below ground.

Known Animus: An animus does walk among this tribe but it is unknown who.

Allied tribes: Is not allied with any tribes but is in war.

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