If I try to suppress that thought, I can focus on the fact that I've been feeling quite normal these past few hours. Or what I at least think are hours. Damn, I can only imagine how greasy my hair is right now. Thats gross, I dont even wanna think about it. Is it even out of the band I put in it at the beginning of the Roquette mission? And food. Oh my dear gods above, I havent had food in days! No doubt I've been but on a strict IV diet. I needed to wake up here soon. In fact, if I try, I just might....

My eyes struggled against me as I fluttered them slowly to life at the willpower I called upon. It was bright. The annoying white atmosphere of the medic bay and the sickening sanitary smell that went a long with it filling two of my my senses. Next was a monitor. It's repetitive beeping pace keeping in tempo with my heart. But last was the weird encased feeling in my hand. It was too rough to be blankets as I could feel the familiar texture of them covering the rest of my figure.

In an effort to analyze what I could of it, I forced my fingers to move. It wasn't a lot. Just enough to scrape my fingers against whatever it was.

Wait, im so stupid. I knew exactly what this was. Or, more correctly, who.

"Astral?" My adjusting pupils angled away from the ceiling and towards the voice that held so much anticipated hope behind it. A blur was still present, but I could make out the chocolate skin of the boy my heart quickened for. His buzzed cut blonde hair atop his head and those grey eyes.

It was his hand. His palm dwarfing mine as he gently grasped it. But now, he gripped a little harder. The wave got a bit stronger and I knew it was definitely from him.

"Don't-" I choked on the unused voice that felt oddly misplaced in my throat. My eyes had begun to clear up as a wide smiled Kaldur launched from his seat, pushing back my hair from the sides of my face with his free hand. "Don't call the team." His brows furrowed with confusion. An expression I predicted from him. "I wanna see the looks on their faces when I surprise them." He chuckled along with me at my playful mood.

"I am overjoyed that you've come back to us." He breathed contently. His palm was still pressed lightly against the side of my face. I unknowingly leaned into it, my cheeks warming not with a blush but just having his touch there.

"Im glad Im back too." Right now I could have been a blushing idiot at how close his face was to mine and the intimacy we shared while alone in this room. But right now, I was just happy I got to be back here, with him, with my team, with my family.

"Everyone has spent as much time here, at the cave, as possible in wait for you to awaken. However, Robin has been asked by The Batman to assist him in patrolling Gotham." He said. His grey eyes baring so intently into mine like I could fall back to sleep any second. And thats when I saw it was the same for him. A darkening under his eyes that might have been camouflaged under his brown skin if you didn't look closely enough.

"I know. I've heard them and you." His eyes widened the slightest bit. Thats when I gently pinched his arm and laughed as much as I could before I had the urge to cough again. "You idiot, you could have at least gone to shower or food or something. You should know that I care about your well being above my own. You're lucky Megan keeps bringing you something to eat."

His eyes stayed widened for a second longer, obviously caught off guard that I knew of Megan's generosity. But just as quickly, he looked away for a moment before I heard him mutter. "I couldn't."

My hand reached out, the limb feeling a bit heavier than it usually did. Most likely from being still for such a long time.

Grew up with Green. To love Aqua. (A YJ fanfic/ Kaldur: Aqualad Love story.)Where stories live. Discover now