Chapter 8 (revised)

Start from the beginning

I look and see Austin stand in in the doorway looking at me with sympathy in his eyes. I take a breath then look back to Tyler and finish speaking.

"Let's take yesterday for example. You walked into Austin office and saw me sitting in his lap and immediately thought there had to be something going on between us. If you would have just asked you would have know that we had just made up from our fight several week before and were playing around. Then you spoke to me as if I had done you wrong, when in reality we aren't even a couple. Sure we kissed and yes it meant something to me, but that doesn't me that I am going to up and stop joking around with Austin. You have to understand he has been here for me before you ever came along, and he's not going anywhere no matter who likes it."

"Deep down I know y'all are just friend, but when I see y'all being all touchy feely, like this morning in his bed, it makes me feel a way I've never felt over anyone before." He says honesty.

"That's jealousy you idiot." Austin says walking all the way in the kitchen and taking a seat at the bar.

"Whatever." Tyler mumbles.

"Tyler look at me." I say pulling him to face me again. " I can understand your jealousy, because it bothers me when all the women at the office throw themselves at you. You just have to know that there is nothing between Austin and I and there never has been. The reason we were in bed together is because I didn't want to be alone last night so I asked him to stay."

"Yeah?" He say, it coming out more like a question.

"Yeah." I say shaking my head.

"Will you two kiss and get it over with already." Austin say smirking at me.

"That's fine with me." Tyler says looking down at me.

I just bow my head and lean it against his chest. It doesn't take long for him to engulf me in his arms and I follow his lead wrapping mine around him. He places several kisses on the top of my head before laying his head on mine. I pull away a bit and look up at him as he's looking back at me. I stand on my tip toes and place a soft kiss on his lips. This is only the second time we've ever kissed but I don't think I could ever get tired of the feeling of his lips on mine. He pulls me closer and leans down so that his mouth is by my ear.

"I'm so sorry love. My anger had took over when I said those things about falling for you, I didn't mean any of it. I was just so hurt when I saw him holding you that way. I don't want anyone to hold you that close but me. I can't stand the idea of another guys hands on you. Can you forgive me?"

With every word he speak his breath touches my neck causing chills to run over my body. I shake my head letting him know I forgive him. I finally pull away from him and finish up breakfast. After we all eat and clean the dishes Tyler has to leave. He said he meant what he said about work and he was just coming by to tell Austin he is going to be out of the country for a few weeks. He looks at me after saying these things and I just smile at him.

The thought of him being gone for a long period of time bothers me more than it probably should. Tyler walks over to me while we're standing by the from door and engulfs me in another hug. This one seems to be more like a goodbye hug than an I'll see you later hug. I push that thought aside and just enjoy the moment in his arms before it's over. He finally pulls away placing a small kiss on my lips, says he'll call me, and disappeared out the from door. I stand here starring at the door until Austin comes up and places his arm over my shoulder.

"You alright?"

"I will be." I say looking up to him. "I just can't shake the feeling that was more of a goodbye hug and kiss than an I'll see you later one."

"I'm sorry sweetheart."

"Nothing we can do about it now." I say walking over and flopping down on the couch.

Austin comes to sit next to me and pulls me into a bone crushing hug. I swear his hugs are the best when I need comforting. We sit in absolute silence for several minutes just enjoying each other's company. Austin loosens his grip on me but I continue laying half way on him and place my legs over his.

"Sweetheart do you wanna talk about what happened last night?" He asks breaking the silence.

"Besides what you already know, he pretty much just told me he never wanted me." I say exhaling.

"What do you mean Amelia?"

"Joshua told me that I was just a body to keep his bed warm and that I was never the one to give him what he desired. He said that the only reason he married me to begin with was for my daddy's money and a place to stay." I'm sitting here try in my best not to cry but they seem to fall anyway. "Austin I wasted almost seven years of my life with a man that never truly loved me. How could I be so stupid?"

"You aren't stupid Amelia, you were just blinded by you're love for him."

"You don't understand. I put up with all he did to me through the years because I had hope that whatever phase he was going through would pass. I did love him at one time and I thought that he had loved me too. What a fool I was."

"Don't cry sweetheart, he's not worth your tears."Austin says pulling me closer to him. "You deserve to be treated like a queen and one day you'll find the man who is willing to treat you that way."

"Austin how an I suppose to go back to work and face Katrina? When I was walking out of my house she stood there with a smirk on her face letting me know she had won. She's probably still in my house right now."

"You don't worry about her, I'll take care of Mrs. Lambert myself." He says looking into my eyes. "If you don't mind me asking, who's name is your condo in?"

"Mine. It was a gift from my parents when I graduated from college. Why?"

"Tomorrow we are going to go talk to a real estate agent and you're putting it up for sale." He says matter of factly.

"What! Austin I can't sell my condo. Where would I live?" I say surprised by his suggestion.

"Before you say no hear me out. The reason I think you should sell your condo is because the longer you keep it the longer you have to deal with Joshua. Think about it, if you keep it he will be able to come and go as he pleases. Plus after seeing what you did I think you need a fresh start. Like you said they are probably still there and one way to get them out is to have them escorted out and then put it up for sale. Meanwhile you can stay here as long as you need."

"I couldn't impose on your everyday life. What about your personal life? I don't want to come in between you and your women."

"If you haven't notice, I don't have women and you wouldn't be imposing. My house is plenty big enough for the both of us. You don't have to answer now, just think about it yeah?"

"I will." I mumble. " I'm tired of sitting around here, let's go do something fun." 

The rest of our day is spent roaming around the city, then finished off with watching movies and eating loads of junk food. Austin always knows how to make a girl feel better. I wonder why he is still single?! Any girl and I mean absolutely any girl would be lucky to have a man like him. Maybe I should try to find him someone. I'll have to keep that in mind. Later that might as I'm climbing into bed I can't help but think about Tyler. Where is he at? What is he doing? When is he coming home? I can only hope that he doesn't forget me before we can even figure out what this things between us is.


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All the love! M.

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