Chapter 7 (revised)

Start from the beginning

"Sweetheart what happened?" Austin asks with concern written all over his face.

"Can we just go? Please."

"If that's what you want. We can go to my place, yeah?"

Not speaking I just my head letting him know that's fine. I feel myself being pick up and I instantly wrap my arms around his neck to hold on. Austin places me in his car and goes to get my things and lock up my car. The ride to his house is made in complete silence, neither of us knowing what to say in this moment. We arrive at his house and he comes around to my side picking me up and packing me inside. Austin doesn't set me down until we are standing into what I assume is his room.

"I thought you might want to take a shower." He says

"That would be nice." I say looking to him.

"The bathroom is through those doors." He says pointing to a set of double doors on the right side of the room. "Everything you need should be in there. I'm going to go but I'll be back to check on you."

With that he walks out leaving me alone with my thought. I find the will to push them aside and head for a shower. Everything in this room smells like him and it's so comforting. I strip down and get into the shower letting the hot water run over my exhausted body. After standing in the shower for I don't know how long, I finally decide I should bath and get out. Once out I realize that in have left my clothes in Austin room, so I dry off and go to get them. As soon as I step into the bedroom the other door opens and Austin walks in. He doesn't even notice me until he finally looks up from his phone.

"Oh god! Sweetheart I'm so sorry." He says turning his back to me.

"It's fine, just give me a few minutes." I say walking over to my bag. "Alright I'm decent."

"I really didn't mean to walk in on you. I figured you would have still been in the bathroom." Austin says turning to face me.

"It's truly fine. I forgot my bag in here so it's my fault anyway."

"Do you want to talk about what happened earlier tonight?"

"Not tonight. Let's just say that today is one of those day I wish I could wash from my brain forever."

"Well I think I'll have and shower and then go to bed. You can take my bed and I'll sleep either on one of the couches or in the guest room." He says walking towards the bed.

"Austin I'll be fine on one of those, I really don't want to run you out of your bed."

"It's fine sweetheart." He pulls the cover back and pats the bed for me to climb in.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes now get in."

I walk over to the bed and climb in. Austin pulls the cover over me and then heads for the bathroom. I lay there in the silence thinking over everything that happened today. First things with Tyler, then coming home to Joshua screwing his mistress. Tears start to fall out of my eyes and I try to wipe them away. I shouldn't cry because I know deep down Joshua isn't worth my tears but it hurts so bad. Not that he cheated per say because I pretty much knew that was happening, but the words he spoke cut deep. I do all I can to wipe the thoughts away but nothing seems to work.

Without me realizing it Austin has walked out of the bathroom and is know standing right beside me. I feel the bed dip when he sits beside me and I feel him touch my face. Just one touch from him is more comforting than any touch from Joshua. Austin reaches over and turns on the bedside lamp before looking back to my face.

"Oh sweetheart please don't cry. What or whoever you're crying over isn't worth your tears."

We sit there in silence as my tears begin to dry up. I knew calling Austin's was the best thing I could have done. No one can help me feel better like he can. He reaches over again rubbing the side of my face, before bending over and kissing my forehead.

"Try to get some sleep. I'll be right downstairs if you need me for anything." He says as he gets up to leave.

"Please don't go."I say reaching out and grabbing his hand to stop him. "I really don't want to be alone tonight."

"Are you sure amelia?" He asks wearily.

"Please Austin."

I don't have to say anymore for Austin to reach over to turn the light off before he climbs in bed beside me. I turn to face him and we just lie there looking at each other saying nothing. I reach over to rub his face and he places his hand on top of mine. I pull my hand away, lean over to give him a peck on the cheek, then roll over to my back.

"What was that for?" He ask still looking at me.

"Just for being you and taking care of me whenever I need you too."

"You don't have to thank me Amelia. I'll always be here for you no matter what." He says honestly.

With that we don't say anything else. Austin just reaches over, pulls me to his side, and wraps his arms around me like a cocoon. I relax after a minute or so and snuggle closer into his arms letting the events of today fade away.


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All the love! M.

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