Within seconds we were strapped into his car,ready to leave to out lunch date. The anxious look on his face made me wonder what kind of restaurant we were going  to if missing the reservation would would be as detrimental as Maluma was making it out to be.

We drove for a good half an hour before Maluma pulled over to the side of the road. I gave him a confused look to which he flashed me a wide grin.I watched closely as he opened the glove compartment and  took out a black bandanna. He took off his seat-belt and inched closer to me,bringing the bandanna close to eyes.Before i could object, he placed it over my eyes and began to tie a firm knot at the back.

"What the hell?" I hissed out,completely confused and aggravated at my temporary loss of sight.He let out a hearty laugh which followed by a click which signaled that he placed his seat-belt back on.Instead of responding,the car began to move once more,causing me to groan. 

My hands inched towards the bandanna but they were quickly smacked away by Maluma's free hand. And that was exactly how the rest of the ride went. Each time that I tried to take off the bandanna I was stopped by Maluma until the car came to a stop. The sound of a car door slamming shut as well as one opening greeted my ears.Soon after I felt his hands moving towards my seat-belt to remove them.They then moved towards my hands and grabbed hold of them as he lead me out of the car.

"Can I take this off now?" I questioned. I was greeted with a firm 'no' which made my frown deepen.We began to walk for what seemed like an eternity until my feet were no long walking on a hard surface. The familiar softness of the ground made me realize that it was in fact sand that we were walking on. I took a deep breathe in as I was greeted with a salty breeze,confirming my suspicions.

"You blindfolded me to go to a beach?A  bit excessive don't you think?" I questioned as he continued to lead me while walking.I was once again graced with his infectious laughter as he was obviously unfazed by my discovery.We walked for what seemed like ten minutes before we came to a stop.Soon after I felt his hands untie the bandanna's knot,allowing me to see once more.


My eyes grew wide as I gazed at the scenery before me. There stood my family and friends along with Maluma's family and friends. This secluded section of the beach was decorated with pink and white balloons. There was a long white table with gifts and and a pink banner with the words 'It's a girl!' written on them. My eyes widened as I realized what this actually. It wasn't a lunch date as Maluma had said but it  was ,in fact, a surprise baby shower.

A permanent smile graced my face as I greeted everyone there but it ultimately faltered when I saw Neymar. To say that I was surprised that he was here was to say the least. The smile he sported once I greeted him was undoubtedly fake which made mine dim to match his.

After engaging ourselves in a few silly games and activities it was now time to eat. We made our way into a large tent which contained a buffet of various food. I immediately began to dive into the mouth-watering array of foods before me. In the midst of socializing and eating,the person here that I least wanted to talk to found it necessary engage me in an awkward,tension filled conversation.

"So,you're having a girl. Congrats" he said,his voice lacking the enthusiasm and genuineness  that the others had.I gave him a small the shoved a fork full of food into my mouth to prevent the conversation from going any further ,but much to my dismay,he took a seat next to me.He watched me intently as I chewed my food adding to the awkward tension between us.Minutes had past before either of us said anything else which i was thankful for. It was only after I finally finished eating my meal that Neymar decided to break the silence.

"What exactly do you see in him?" he blurted out,his gaze pointed down at the sand. I groaned internally as I wish he wouldn't have done this during my baby shower. It was suppose to be a happy moment for me and he was spoiling it with his attitude.

"Is this really necessary now?" I questioned,letting out a sigh of frustration.He glanced at me for a second then back down at the sand.

"I just need to know what he has that I don't" he said softly. I rolled my eyes as all the things he had done during our relationship filled my mind once more. His weekend getaways with Bruna, his constant lying about his late training hours just so he could be with her and not to mention his deal-breaker affair with Carolina which earned him a son and a broken engagement. 

"Well I don't now,maybe its because he doesn't cheat on me" I stated a bit to harshly for someone who had forgiven him for his past deeds.I was expecting this to turn into somewhat of an argument but instead he just simply nodded his head.

"That's what you think"

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