Joker!Taehyung o.s

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Hello everyone! This is inspire by the new movie Suicide Squad which I love and based off the Harley Quinn and Joker romance story. It's not an exact replica from the comic book nor movie, I added a few ideas into it. Please enjoy xo~


Oh, I'm not gonna kill you... I'm just gonna hurt you really, really bad.

And that's exactly what he did, but the crazy thing.. is that I loved him even more for it.

October 2014

I walked into the hallways of the place most people, not me, would dread to go to. What I usually call my workplace but many tend to call it.. well the whackhouse. People call me insane for working here, oh the irony. The old rumors from back in the day, that if you stepped one foot into this place, you'd go crazy for sure.

But who can prove that.

"Dr. Quinzel."

"Lucy, for goodness sake, I know you're new here but I told you that you can call me Harleen." I gave her a playful look as I checked in and leaned over the counter.

Lucy is new nurse here at the Arkham Asylum. She's indescribly beautiful, short brunette hair with golden skin. Freckles dusted across her cheeks and nose with big green eyes. A sweet, yet quiet personally. A slim but curvy figure that all the girls would die for. She blushes in embarrassment, how adorable.

"Yes Dr. Quinzel-I mean Harleen.." She stutters nervously, she'll adjust to this new job soon. "Dr. Fritz told me to hand this folder to you, something about a new patient coming in."

"Well let me see," I smiled, placing my glasses on the bridge of my nose and opening the file. I scanned through the paper and my eyes suddenly widened. "Mister V.." Lucy gasps as she leans closer to look at the folder herself. "Y-You mean.. Taehyung?" I nodded once and continued to read through the paper. She looked at me with wide eyes before speaking up.

"T-That's crazy!" She said in shock. "You can't be his Psychiatrist.. he's a madman! The worst of them all!"

I ignored her, no longer interest in other conversations and walked to my office, still reading through his file. Once I got there, I closed the door behind me and sat down in my chair. I read through what his background seemingly was, the crimes he made, the battles between him and Gotham City's hero Batman, how crazy he seemed.

But why did I feel so interested to meet this man? Shouldn't I be worried?


I had spent all night looking at this man's file, looking at his cases and criminal records. I felt so intrigued by this man. That's how all Psychiatrists are though right? We must get know our patients after all..

I was waiting in the break room, sipping my usual expresso against the counter, waiting for my 10 minute break to end. The room was small, a fridge to keep our lunches cool, the coffee machine, a microwave and plastic utensils. We can't bring in anything that could shatter because God forbid if a patient gets their hands on a sharp object.

The alarm on my wrist watch goes off, I finish sipping my tea and I wipe my mouth with a napkin before I throw away my cup and head out. I walk back to the front counter and I see Lucy picking at her nails nervously while looking around. She tends to do this when she feels anxious, I've noticed. Hey, this is my job, this is what I do. I walk up to her and look for new files under my name.

"Okay, what's wrong Lucy?" I ask, scanning through random files.

"Um.. Dr. Fritz said that-mister," She stutters again. "I mean V-he.. is here."

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