
501 24 6

October 31st, 10:44pm

Ashton's POV

Ava, Hayley, Calum, Michael and I all sat on the floor in the room. It had been almost 30 minutes. We could hear the man screaming throughout the house, obviously mad he couldn't find us.

I hear a faint noise moving down the hallway. As it got closer, I realize it was footsteps.

"Guys," I whisper, pointing at the doors signaling them to listen.

Everyone listens closely as the footsteps get louder. They were loud and slow, exactly like the man's and he was right outside the door.

Ava lets out a small gasp once she hears them. When she does, they stop.

I put my finger to my lips, telling her to be quiet. She puts her hand over her mouth and everyone stays as quiet as possible.

Suddenly, the doorknob starts shaking like someone was trying to get in. Since it was locked, the man couldn't get it open.

A few seconds later, he lets go of the knob he begins to walk back in the direction he came. I waited until I could no longer hear them to slowly and quietly open the door.

I look both ways, not seeing or hearing a thing.

"Come on," I whisper, waving my friends over to me.

I sneak out of the room, the rest of them following behind. In five minutes, we manage to get back to the room we entered the house in.

Calum checks the door again and it's still locked.

"Where do we go?" Ava asks.

"This way." I tell them and begin walking toward the large winding stairs.

"Wait," Michael says, looking at the floor. "Where's Maddie?"

We all begin looking around our feet and realize she wasn't anywhere in the room. There wasn't even any blood stains on the old carpet.

"How could she jus—" Michael begins but stops mid-sentence.

I almost ask him what's wrong but then I hear it. More footsteps. They were fast and coming our way.

"Come on," I whisper to them, running lightly up the stairs.

At the top was a balcony and a large room with glass doors taking up the entire space.

"Well great." Hayley says, talking about the doors. If the man came up here he would see us.

I walk into the room and see a bed. The blankets looked worn out, just like everything else in this house. In the corner was a dresser and a door on the other side of the room.

There was a table beside me and the items on it caught my eye. Once I realized what it was, I gasp, causing the others to walk over to me.

"Are those..." Ava slowly says, picking up a handmade doll that looked exactly like her.

"What the heck!" Michael exclaims, picking up the doll of him and a small toy coffin.

Just like it had said the man purchased on the receipt Ava found, there were eight coffins. There were also dolls for Niara, Calum and Hayley but no Luke or Maddie.

Two coffins lay off to the side, separated from the others. I pick one up slowly, having an idea of what was inside but scared to see if I'm right.

I open the door and sure enough, the doll of Maddie was inside.

"This is unreal." Calum gapes.

If Maddie was in this one, did that mean Luke was in the other? I pick it up to check but I begin to hear loud thumping noises, making me jump and drop the toy coffin. The footsteps were on the stairs now.

I run over to the door on the other side of the room and open the door. It was an empty closet, big enough for all of us.

We all pile in and close the door just as the footsteps reach the top of the stairs. They stop for a minute but then continue, walking toward the closet.

All of a sudden, the door swings open, making everyone inside jump.

Is the man outside the door? Find out in the next chapter 😏 & what about those dolls & coffins? If I found those I would pee myself omg 😂

Thanks so much for reading you guys! It means a lot when you guys vote, comment & read 😅

Ily 💗

p.s. as a reward for reading my authors notes, you get a spoiler: the man isn't outside the door 😉

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