Chapter 7: Don't Let Me Down

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"Got a crush?" Sakura shot at me. "Don't you think Kakashi is a little too old for you? Whatever, as long as you stay clear of Sasuke."

"Maybe calling him Santa was just a cover-up before," Naruto said, stifling a huge laugh.

"Let us know when you're done fantasizing about me and ready to get back to business," Kakashi said, and Sakura and Naruto burst out into laughter.

"I hate you guys," I said.

Naruto stopped badgering Sakura about dating him, taking a hint way better than she ever could. Then Sasuke and Naruto started up about who was stronger. Kakashi broke up the fight.

"Come on, guys. Break it up. You're on the same team, remember? What happened to the teamwork commitment?"

"We need family therapy," I chimed.

"I'm out of here," Sasuke said shortly, beginning to walk home.

"Sasuke? The date?" Sakura called hopefully.

"Dude, enough," Sasuke told her darkly.

"He called you 'dude,' that's a bad sign," I told her sadly. "Friend-zoned."

"You're even worse than Naruto," Sasuke told her. Her face fell, her spirits crushed. "Chasing me around like a stupid idiot. Get serious about being a ninja and then maybe you'd be in my league."

"Hey, dude, don't you think you're being a little harsh?" I said to Sasuke, coming to Sakura's defense. "Don't be a bully!"

Sakura turned to me angrily. "STOP ACTING LIKE WE'RE FRIENDS! BECAUSE WE'RE NOT!" she screamed.

"I give up," I breathed out. "100% done."

Sasuke walked away, and Sakura crept away too, probably to follow him some more. She was hopeless, totally hopeless.

Kakashi looked at Naruto and I. "Can you guys be friends, at least?" he pleaded.

Naruto and I shook hands, grinning at each other. "Don't worry, Kakashi. Ai and I are BFFLADs," Naruto said.

"Whatever the hell that means," Kakashi said.

"We are arguably the craziest of the group, but somehow have the most stable relationship of the group," I realized out loud. We high-fived each other at this news.

Kakashi sighed. "We're doomed."

He disappeared from the scene. Naruto and I shrugged.

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