Chapter 6: All For Love

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The next day, we began our training with Kakashi-sensei

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The next day, we began our training with Kakashi-sensei. To be honest, I hadn't got a lot of sleep. I kept dreaming of Zabuza and the boy who killed him. I woke up feeling fuzzy, but when I remembered we were training today, my head got back in the game. I need to get stronger.

We walked on a trail into the nearby woods. When we were a little ways from the house, Kakashi stopped us and said, "We're going to be exploring chakra control today. Using and controlling chakra are two different things."

My heart started pumping. I was finally going to figure out how to use my chakra properly and most effectively. This could be interesting. The power I had inside...the power that he had shown me that one night outside the Sand village...could I really harness it all myself?

Kakashi demonstrated how he could walk on the tree focusing his energy on his feet only. He walked on the underside of a branch, completely upside down, but stayed attached to the branch.

"So that's how you walked on the lake!" Sakura remarked. "Wow, I am so smart sometimes."

"Yes, Sakura. Focus, control, maintain," Kakashi told us. "It's difficult, but this is your mission today. Use kunais to mark how far you get up the tree. When you make it up the tree like me, you're finished for the day."

I think we all thought it was going to be a piece of cake, but it was harder than it looked. We all knew how to use chakra, but focusing it in a specific place and trying to not let it spread and only concentrating on the foot was real difficult.

Sasuke had an early lead due to determination, but Sakura quickly caught up. Then Sasuke hit a wall and couldn't make it past his farthest mark while Naruto and I caught up and Sakura surged ahead. I was starting to realize that my chakra was pretty free-spirited, if you will, and hard to control, making this activity quite the challenge.

The competition went on back and forth for about twenty more minutes until Sakura screamed in delight as she made it up to the spot where Kakashi-sensei had been.

"Damn," I cursed. I had wanted to beat her. Naruto whoop-ed in appreciation, but Sasuke looked jealous too. He wasn't used to someone (no offense, but especially Sakura) beating him at anything. Sakura didn't seem to notice and bounced over to him after she climbed down.

"All for you, Sasuke!" Sakura said sweetly. "All for love."

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