Chapter 2: The Aftershock

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I woke up.

In a tree.

In a pitch-black forest.

There were sounds of crickets chirping and frogs singing. The wind ruffled the trees as it blew by, making the leaves and branches brush against each other.

I thought I was dreaming. I looked around hazily, trying to discern my surroundings. Luckily a rope strapped me down, holding me to the branch, because I was convinced this wasn't real life and I wasn't actually twenty feet above the ground in a tree branch.

After a minute of confusion, I started to realize it didn't really feel like a dream. My vision was too sharp, too aware of my surroundings. I pinched myself. Okay, ow, that hurt. I looked down at myself. I had a body that looked and felt real, but it didn't look like mine.

What on Earth...if I was even still on Earth...

My clothes. I had on a short-sleeved dark purple kimono with wide lavender lining, with a bow tied in the back holding it together, falling to mid-thigh. I had on high socks up to my knees that tucked into some type of running shoe. A headband hung around my neck with a big silver plate in the middle with the symbol on it. I immediately knew it meant "Leaf" even though I didn't know how I knew it.

Leaf? Does this somehow explain why I apparently reside in this tree?

As I studied the headband, I caught a glimpse of my reflection. I gasped, truly shocked. Big bright eyes, the color of the sea stared back at me, framed by a lovely face. My stomach turned at how delicate and achingly attractive it was. Then I noticed my hair. I felt it with my fingers as I looked, combing through it. It was long, wavy, and bright red. But something about it was so authentic - it didn't look like when Dana Pinkman in the eighth grade dyed her hair fire engine red last year and had looked so obviously fake.

"What is happening?" I said out loud, feeling panicked. It only made me panic more because my voice didn't sound like my own. It was higher-pitched and raspier. I started to move around in the tree, the rope become loose as I tried to break free.

"Hello, Ai," came a soft calm voice from...well, I don't know where. Within me? In my head? Who knew at this point? It could be God for all I know telling me I died. "So you came."

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