Chapter 3: Take Me or Leave Me

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      I ambled into the streets, my feet falling into a rhythmic pattern on the stone pathway

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I ambled into the streets, my feet falling into a rhythmic pattern on the stone pathway. It was still early so there wasn't a lot of activity in the streets. Some markets were opening. A strong smell of fish and ramen filled the air from one restaurant as I passed by, one I used to go to with my parents. I began to recognize more landmarks, becoming more and more excited.

I kept my head down, however, not wanting to be noticed just yet. Most people knew who I was...the couple who had taken me in had been excellent ninjas, Tasura Hiro and Toru, masters in the art of taijutsu. I quickened my pace to our home, which was now my home. They had left me everything when they died.

I managed to slip inside the house unnoticed by anyone. I put down the small pack I had traveled with. It had been a full year since I had been back...and this was harder than I thought it'd be.

I ran my fingers over the countertops, collecting dust, and then sat in the old, comfy brown couch in the sitting room. I heaved a huge sigh. Being back...well, it was starting to hit me how much I missed them. I had managed to keep my mind otherwise occupied during my travels...but now it was real. The house was abandoned, left behind.

Just like me.

I suddenly jumped back up. I had to get out of this house and go see the Hokage to confirm becoming a Genin – there was no time to waste. What if I hadn't timed getting back quite right? This was my year. I was finally going to become a real ninja and fulfill my destiny, whatever that was.

I ran all the way there, the famous stone carvings in the mountains of the faces of past Hokages straight ahead of my line of sight. Man, I had really missed Konoha after all. This place was home, no matter if my parents were here or not.

Once inside the Academy where the village headquarters were, I hurried along down the hall, my footsteps echoing in my wake. I entered through the big green doors of his office without using the brass knockers to warn my arrival.

"Good afternoon," Hokage said deeply as soon as the doors opened, as if he had been expecting me. He was sitting at his long table, piles of paperwork in front of him. He was sipping tea from a steaming mug. His eyes were shining behind the mug he held carefully. "Tasura Ai."

"I'm baaaack," I said, bowing respectfully. "It's nice to see you again. Still kickin', huh?" I cracked a grin.

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