Stitches Parody Hetalia

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America: I am hot and 19. I have no clue what heart break even means. But I make this song about it, after England dumped me that cold hearted wiz.

America: What was that It felt like I just got punched!

???: You're ex boyfriend send me here to kick you're ass! He said make sure he needs to get beat up!

America: That hurts!! He took this song too seriously! It's just a song based on our break up! Was it enough that he left me? Now he wants to kill me! Who is that kicking me?

???: Here's a clue, I say you can't see me, I'm the strongest in the axis!

America: Umm are you Germany?

Germany: Ja!

America: What did I do to deserve this?

Germany: On his birthday you got him nothing you dick!! Instead you got yourself mcdonalds!

America: But hamburgers are my life.

Germany: And that's why I'm kicking your ass!

America: Someone save me from this German dude!

Russia: Now you'll learn the power of Mother Russia!

America: Don't tell me England also sent you!

Russia: That's right!! Remember last Christmas! You got him nothing you will pay! Instead you got that dumb horror movie!

America: But horror movies are badass!

Russia: How dare you be so selfish! *Chokes America*

America: Ouch stop that! He was being a bitch!

Russia: You see the power of Mother Russia!

America: Who's biting my ass oww!!?

China: It was me China, I let my Panda bite you're ass! I'm gonna use my karate skills, and beat you're ass now!

France: Valentines is coming, gotta turn this pain to loving, this fighting is unaccepable, I must save America!! *Shoots arrow at China and Russia*

Russia: China, will you care to make love with me?

China: Strangely yes I would aru~!"

Russia: America, will you care to make love, with us both.

America: Eww no!!

Russia: You will join this threesome.

America: I will join this threesome.. *Gets hypnotized*

Russia: You're gonna need stitches after this America, kolkolkol! *Unzips pants*

China: *unzips pants*

America: *Licks lips*

Hetalia: Random CrapDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora