Chapter 5: So Impossible

Start from the beginning

I held up my hands as if to say, 'Hey, okay, I'll lay off.'

Tazuna huffed. "Alright. It's just slightly humiliating being escorted by children not much older than my own grandson, but alright. I trust the Leaf."

"Watch your words, old man," Naruto barked. "I'm the next Hokage. Believe it."

Tazuna blinked a couple of times and sighed. "Let's just get this over with."

And just like that, we set out on a mission.

"My first time outside of the village...I've always longed for adventure," Naruto said blissfully as we left the gates of Konoha. "In the great wide somewhere..."

"Speaking of that, Ai," Kakashi said, "how was your time in the Land of the Wind?"

"How'd you know I went there?"

"I know things," he replied vaguely.

"Well, um, it was hot. Dry. Lots of sand there. Desert-y."

"What did you do there?" Kakashi pressed.

"Well, I trained. Tried not to die from dehydration," I joked.

"I see," Kakashi said. "Glad you didn't."

"So, are you all, like, friends?" Tazuna asked the four of us Genin. "You seem like a rather odd group."

"Why do you care about our social dynamics?" I inquired.

"I don't know what that's supposed to mean, old man," Naruto barked, "but Ai and I here are BEST friends!"

"BFFLADs!" I shouted, and we did our secret handshake consisting of knuckle-punches, slaps, cartwheels, and somersaults.

Sakura blinked her eyes lovingly at Sasuke. "Yeah, we've really paired off in this group...Naruto and Ai...Sasuke and I have also gotten close..."

Sasuke wrinkled his nose. "No we haven't," he clarified quickly. Sakura pouted while Naruto and I snickered.

"Getting close with Sasuke is, like, so impossible," Sakura sighed to herself. "But love conquers all, so I remain hopeful."

"It's like a telenovela over there," I murmured to whoever was listening.

"What idiots," I heard Tazuna mutter under his breath.

Twenty minutes later, I stepped into a puddle as we trudged along the path soaking my shoe and sock. Great. As I took a few steps, trying to rub the wetness off on the dry dirt, I realized it wasn't wet anywhere else on the ground. Had it even rained lately? Maybe it was worth mentioning to Kakashi. Could be some kind of enemy. Or trap. I had a bad feeling about this.

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