I tried bucking her off which was an enormous mistake seeing as her claws were still lodged in my flesh. I knew what my last resort was, and it was about time that I used it too. I pulled out Alex's knife and stabbed the woman through her heart. Her eyes widened with disbelief while blood dripped out of her mouth. She pulled her hands away, choking on her own fluids before her eyes rolled back and she dropped. Everything in my vision was blurred by a veil.

***Luke'd POV***
There was a sudden gust of wind that flung the doors open and knocked over light furniture. Everyone froze, our eyes all on the girl with iridescent purple eyes and a bloody sword in hand. With her foot, she turned over the corpse, her gaze fixated on the woman who tried to kill her. Fay was covered in blood, and I knew some of it was her own. I stepped closer to her, and when I did, her attention was locked on me.

"Mate." She acknowledged me, as if trying to sense who was still a threat to her. The air around her seemed heavy, as if the gravity around her had changed. She turned to the remaining rogues, two men and a woman, and everything about her was merciless. "You dare challenge the blood of the Lord?" Her voice carried something ancient and powerful, the tone was too calm to belong to Fay. She strolled up to them, with the poise of a royal. "On your knees." She commanded with the same collected tone, but the three refused. One of the guys spat by her feet, keeping his eyes level with hers, chin up with pride.

"Fay? It's over now." Eliza could feel the lethal intent that was coming off of my girl in waves.

"On your knees." Fay repeated, but this time her voice was different, practically celestial, and the three growled, bewildered that their bodies obeyed, however forced it was.

"This should just be a myth. It was just a story to keep pups obedient!" The woman's eyes awakened with realization. "You couldn't possibly..."

"Who sent you?"

"Your mom." The same man who spat at her sneered. There was no warning nor hesitation, only a swing and two sickening thuds, followed by a shriek. The man was no longer whole. Or even alive for that matter.

"Strike one."

"Fay! Enough!" Daniel insisted but didn't dare move. Whatever was going on with her, we all knew it was best not to appear as a threat.

"Who sent you?"

"We don't have a name! Marie just gave us our orders. We had a mark, we didn't ask questions." The woman whimpered, her ally simply kept his head down in silence. Fay raised her sword, the clarity in her eyes was fearfully sane. She was going to kill them in cold blood. "That's all we know!" The woman sobbed, covering her head with her arms.

"I sense your honesty. But raising your claws against me is unforgivable."

"That is quite enough." A man appeared from behind the chimney on the top floor. He leaned against the wood railing, gazing down at us, fixated on the Lord's daughter. "Alexandra, it is an honor to finally meet you. My name is Lucio." The man bowed as their eyes met. It seemed as if she knew him by the familiarity in her eyes and her willingness to lower her sword. "I am pleased to see you are finally awake."

"I assume you were the one who sent them?"

"Forgive me, I just had to be certain that you were present before I could take you to the Lord. If not, I feared the child would not have been successful in rescuing him." He jumped and floated down, landing in front of her. He tried placing his hands on her but I had had enough of this. It wasn't that I was jealous, but we didn't know who this guy was. He couldn't be trusted.

"I wouldn't do that." I held my blade up to his neck.

"Alexandra is barely keeping her alive. Now unless you want the girl to die from blood loss, I suggest you step back." He kept his nose up, and the urge to shish kabob him only grew stronger, that is, until his eyes finally met mine. "What an interesting discovery." I stepped back, unnerved by the excitement waving off of him.

"Keep your distance, Lucio." Fay warned. "Now if you don't mind, you have a few mistakes to fix." She reminded him of her flowing wounds. Everyone else had more than their share as well.

"Of course, right away." The man began healing us, one by one, with magic. Once healed, Shawn and Daniel dragged the dead bodies outside. I waited last, I barely had any injuries, so I didn't see the need. In order to heal Fay, Lucio put her to sleep, so now I sat by her on guard.

"Your turn Oz." Lucio waved me over but I shook my head. Everything about this man made me feel uncomfortable. Was he really the one sending Fay these letters? If so, why couldn't he have given us all the information from the get go? And why did Fay answer when he called her Alexandra? She hated that name. And the whole, purple-eyed-goddess act? "I wasn't asking." Lucio chuckled and suddenly I was pulled across the room.

"What the hell?" I was plopped down in a chair, the man had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows revealing several tattoos, there was more ink than skin. "I'm fine, I don't need your hocus pocus shit!"

"Well that's a bit insulting." The man grinned, looking him in the eye up close, I could have sworn I saw a piece of hell burning up inside him."So who cast this spell on you?" I blinked, how could he tell so easily? Hailey's 'all powerful' witch guy had to work for it. " Oh don't look so surprised. Did you really think it'd be an amateur looking after her father?"

"If you're really that powerful, why couldn't you have just sprung him out from the beginning?"

"That is an excellent question indeed. What do you suppose is the reason? Now I want an intellectual answer."

"12 point font and double spaced too?" I snorted, but the wheels in my head turned none the less. I've heard there were ways to weaken magic users, or even prevent them from using magic. But I didn't specifically know how it could be done, I just knew it had been done in other places. Some hunters had managed to do so.

"I get it. But if that place is so well guarded even against the likes of you, and they're able to keep the Lord of Wolves caged, how are we supposed to bust him out?"

"There are forces, more complex than magic users, and far more powerful. The only way they're able to keep the Lord restrained is because he hasn't been conscious in quite a few years now."

"So Fay's really the only one who'll be able to get him out?"

"No, Fay won't be able to, but Alexandra can. The power of the Lord belongs to Alexandra Fay Albescu. The sooner she accepts herself as a whole, the sooner she can claim that power. But until then, she'll be just like any other half-breed. You, on the otherhand, don't even know what you really are.."


Hey guys! So pretty long chapter but thanks for bearing with me and my slow updates! So I have some amazing personal news for anyone who cares! My baby brother was born this past Tuesday!! So as you can imagine, things have been more than a little hectic around here. But I've been thinking...I'm trying to move this story along cause I don't want it to drag out, but I think I may end up having a sequel just because there are some ideas I don't want to squash completely. We'll see though! Anyways thanks for reading and thank you to @sandiest94 and @guesswhoNita for your support and encouragement, so here's a little shout out to you guys! ^.^ You're all awesome!

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