"I don't care, I'm just saying. You're always so keen on keeping track of progress." Calum walked off, going outside and disappearing into the woods. Ashton sighed, shaking his head and going back to what he was doing, only to be interrupted once again.


"Yeah?" Ashton turned to Michael hopefully, trying not to show much from what he was thinking.

"Can we talk about yesterday?" Michael mumbled quietly, looking at the Alpha through his eyelashes. Ashton smiled comfortingly, nodding. "Sure."

"So um, I kind of lied about having it under control." Michael started out, heaving out a breath. Ashton nodded, on the one side wanting to say 'I figured', but knowing it wouldn't help Michael's already barely existing confidence. "And um, I went outside yesterday. I found a spot and controlled it pretty well, until right around midnight."

Ashton nodded again, smiling. "That's good. You came way further than the last full moon. Maybe one more and you'll go past midnight."

Michael looked at the curly haired male with slightly widened eyes, the green swirling hopefully. "You think?"

"Yeah, sure. As long as you want it and try, I don't see why it wouldn't work." Ashton admitted, smiling proudly at the small boy. He had come so far since he came here and it made Ashton proud. Especially knowing he helped, but really, that was a thing to the side.

Michael nodded, smiling a little at his Alpha. "Okay."

"Now, take some good rest. It takes a toll, the full moon. If you need something, you'll know where to find me or one of the others." Ashton explained, making Michael nod again. "Except for Bry, she's out for the moment."

"Okay." The black haired boy mumbled, saying his goodbyes and disappearing upstairs, planning to take a nap as he indeed needed some rest.

Ashton smiled, feeling somewhat giddy as he thought of how Michael was doing so well. Maybe things were going to get better. Especially for the boy, of course.


The Alpha sighed, facing Luke with a slight pout. "Yes?"

"Where are Bryana and Valeria?" Luke furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, feeling a little nauseous. He knew it either meant he ate something wrong or that Valeria was in trouble. And as much as he hoped it was the first, he didn't think it was.

"Out. She wanted to have some fresh air and Bryana thought it was good to try and walk somewhat." Ashton answered, shrugging lightly and finally going back to what he had been doing. Luke simply hummed, before walking towards the back door. He let out a quick 'be back soon' and disappeared out of the door before Ashton could even think over the words and realise he was going after them. The Alpha groaned, but continued what he was doing, shrugging lightly to himself.

Luke was by then sprinting in his wolf-form, growling quietly as he smelled human. And he knew it wasn't Valeria, because really, he knew her scent by now. Though as he sniffed the air again, he smelled hers as well, along with Bryana's familiar one. He rustled through the bushes, changing back and locking eyes with a pair of dark blue ones the moment he stepped into sight.

Valeria was glaring at the person across from her, until she noticed them looking elsewhere and turning around, her face softening as she spotted Luke. Bryana had raised eyebrows, looking from the unfamiliar person, to Valeria to Luke in confusion, making Luke relax slightly. At least she didn't know what was happening either.

"Who's he?"

Luke's eyes snapped back to the dark-blue eyed stranger, his own blue eyes hard and unreadable. Valeria scoffed, crossing her arms. "What does it concern you?"

"As yo-"

"You're nothing to me and you know it, so cut the crap and walk away." Valeria said lowly, still glaring at the stranger. Luke tensed, stepping closer to his soulmate and straightening himself a little, hoping to come across as intimidating. It seemed to work as the stranger's eyes showed slight fear, before he tried to mask it with confidence.

"I'm not leaving you, Val."

"Don't call me that. Only friends call me that and you're far from that."

"That's because I'm not a friend, I'm-"

"Just shut up, Evan! Shut up and leave." Valeria shouted, trying to step back but stumbling. Bryana held her up, as Luke tensed even more. The stranger, apparently named Evan, pursed his lips. He opened his mouth, making Luke step in front of the girls and stare down the stranger. "I don't care who the fuck you are, but if she says to leave her alone, you do that. Now leave before I make you."

Evan huffed, crossing his arms before uncrossing them again, looking a bit like a mad child. "Fine. This isn't over. You'll have to return sometime and I'll be waiting for you."

Luke balled his fists, keeping himself from growling and betraying himself. Though, not only himself. His whole pack would be on the line. And no matter how he felt towards Valeria (because honestly, he wasn't even sure), he would never risk his pack getting exposed. Not if he could prevent it.

The stranger walked off, leaving Luke to glare at his back until he was out of sight. Only then did he turn back to the girls, seeing Bryana talk to Valeria quietly, while Valeria was looking at Luke. His anger-filled expression fell immediately, his features softening as he took in the blonde and purple haired girl. "You okay?"

She nodded, looking away shortly. "Thanks."

"It's fine. Let's all get back, yeah? I think we all need some peace." Luke suggested, waiting for the girls to agree before taking the lead back to the cabin. Valeria was hopping slightly because of her ankle, making Luke slow down and offer to help her. At first she denied, but soon enough (as Luke held out his arms) she gave in and slung an arm around his back.

And it made Luke smile.

Out in the Woods [5SOS AU]Where stories live. Discover now