I asked,"Can I give you a hug?"

He said,"Of course, I love all my fans,"

I hugged him and I started to cry a little. He said,"It's ok,"

He asked,"So what's you're name beautiful?"

I said,"My name is Bailey,"

He said,"Bailey is a very pretty name,"

He then asked,"How old are you Bailey?"

I said,"I'm 17,"

He said,"You might know already but I just turned 18,"

He said,"So do you live around here?"

I said,"Yep, I live a couple of blocks from here,"

He said,"Well I'm here for a couple if weeks for a show and then kind of a little touring break,"

I said,"I was planning on going to you're show,"

He said,"Well I have to go, but can I get you're number?"

I said,"Of course,"

He handed me his phone and I handed him my phone.

I put my number in his phone, name and I took a picture of myself so he knew it was me. He did the same.

I grabbed Libby's leash and her toy. I said,"Libby come!"

She ran up to me and she started to sniff Shawn.

He asked,"Can I pet her?"

I replied,"Yeah she doesn't bite,"

He pet her for about thirty seconds and he said,"Well I better get going before I get in trouble for being late,"

I said,"Well we wouldn't want to make the famous Shawn Mendes late and make him get in trouble,"

He laughed and said,"I'll text you when I get the chance,"

I said,"Ok bye!"

My mind didn't really register that I just meet Shawn Mendes, until a few minutes later. After just standing there.

Once my mind registered this fact, I screamed and jumped up and down. I thought to myself,'Oh my God! I just met the Shawn Mendes!'

I decide to run home with Libby. I hook her leash to her collar. I start to run and Libby ran with me. It only took us a few a minutes to get home.

When I got home I was greeted by my mom Alex. She said,"Hi sweetie, did you have fun today?"

I said,"Yeah today was really fun,"

I unhooked Libby's leash and put it on the hook. I ran upstairs to my room. I grabbed my laptop and sat on my bed.

 I grabbed my laptop and sat on my bed

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I turned on Stitches by Shawn Mendes.

Love (A Shawn Mendes Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن