"For what?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know..."

My lips set into a thin line. "Yes, that's what I said."

"And was she brought in today?"

"Yes...maybe...I don't know." The time zones are fucking me up. And not to mention the stress.

The girl looks at me like I've grown another head. "You don't know why she was brought in and you don't know when?" She looks at me for a moment. "Are you sure she's here?"

When will they learn. "Look." I rest my elbows on the counter. "I'm trying really hard to be polite and patient with you because I'm-" I hold my thumb and index finger about an inch away from one another, indicating a very small amount, "this close to cursing you out and flipping every God damned thing over in this waiting room. Now, since you're not going to help me, find someone who can before I see my way in and find her myself."

It could have been worse.

"And then I'll have to call security."

"And then I'll have to buy this hospital and fire you. And then I'll have to make sure you never work in the state of New York ever again."

"Zayn let me handle this." Gina stops me, stepping up to me and putting a hand on the base of my back. "You'll have to excuse him, but his fiance-Charlotte Dunn- was admitted a couple of hours ago and he really needs to see her because no one's told him anything. We just landed about twenty minutes ago from the opposite side of the globe and I think everyone's a little exhausted and stressed and any way that you could help us, would be greatly appreciated."

She looks Gina up and down before fixing her gaze back on the monitor in front of her. She clicks around for a minute or so before, "Room twelve."

"Sorry?" Gina asks.

"Charlotte Dunn is in room twelve. I'll buzz you in."

I don't thank the girl as I march away from the desk and open the door into the back. I'm not gonna thank her for doing her damn job because I could have been back here already if she would have stopped with the twenty fucking questions and bitchy attitude. But I think I handled that better than I would have in the past, so again, I'll be proud of myself.

[Cause I mean, I vaguely recall once smacking the clipboard out of the doctor's hands when things didn't go my way.]

I can't move fast enough to room twelve and I know I'm the odd man out in my slacks and button up- having not changed from the conference, but I'm sure there have been worse. "Baby?" I burst through the door.

Instead of Charlie, I come face to face with a nurse working with the IV pump. "Can I help you, Sir?"

I look down at the bed, noticing Charlie is there, but I want to vomit again when I see how pale she is. She's not even awake. "That...that's my wife."

"Oh. Mr. Malik?" I nod. "They said you'd be coming." She gives me an apologetic smile once she turns her attention to me. "I suppose you'd like to know what happened."

"Yeah," I whisper. She gives me that sympathetic smile again and that's starting to worry me. "Is she...is she alright?" She has to be alright. I won't accept anything else.

"Would you like to sit dow-"

"No- fuck. Please, just tell me what's going on. With all due respect, I've been trying to get here for over ten fucking hours without knowing a single thing. So tell me something. Now." I can't help but keep my sight on Charlie as I'm brutally honest with the nurse.

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