Chapter Six

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With the deck constructed by Yugi and his friends, Yami stood waiting outside the school, waiting for any sign of his CEO pal. As if on cue, a black limo pulled up. The window rolled down and revealed the smug face of Seto.

"Yami," he addressed, swigging open the door.

"Hey, Kaiba," Yami smiled, hoping into the limo and closing the door behind him "I brought my deck with me."

"Hey, Yami," Seto leaned closer.

"Yes...?" Yami hesitated, leaning away from Seto.

"I lied about the duel," Seto whispered as the driver locked the vehicle and started the engine.

"Wh-what did you have planned then," Yami gulped, having a slight idea by the rolling up of the privacy window, but he didn't want to admit it.

"Remember when I told you I liked you," Seto smirked "I don't joke about things like that. You call it taking a chance but I knew right then and there that you were exactly what I was looking for."

"But..." Yami attempted "But... Kaiba! We just met! You can't be serious! You've got to have a girlfriend or something!"

"I'm not really into woman," Seto admitted "Growing up with just my little brother, they always seemed to be very interested in our cash. You don't care about the money, do you, Yami? I could offer you a thousand dollars to let me lay you and you'd refuse it."

"Damn right I'd refuse it!" Yami exclaimed "I don't need any money, especially not whore money!"

"Two thousand," Seto cooed.

"No!" Yami remained firm.

"Three thousand," Seto offered.

"Knock it off, Kaiba!" Yami demanded, turning his head and shutting his eyes tightly as Seto rubbed his nose against Yami's throat.

"Four thousand," Seto continued.

"I'm not going to sell myself to you, Kaiba," Yami hissed.

"Five thousa-," Seto narrowed his eyes, annoyed with Yami's continual refusal.

"Leave me alone, Kaiba!" Yami interrupted, using all of his strength to push Seto off of him "I don't want your money."

"What do you want then," Seto growled "Car? A house? Clothes? Anything. Its yours."

"If I wanted something from you, Kaiba," Yami whispered "I'd have dueled you for it... Not fucked you for it." Seto creeped over to him and gripped a bunch of hair gently and turning his head so Yami was looking at him. His eyes got wide as Seto whispered in his ear.

"At least let me kiss you?" 

Yami nodded and Seto lowered his lips to bring them together with Yami's. They were barely touching when Yami was completely overpowered by the intensity of the kiss and lowered his eyes. He felt Seto snake his hand under his shirt and massaging his back. Yami pulled at his hair, begging for more in his mind and with his actions. Both pulled away on needs of air. Yami panted quietly and Seto simply smirked. Pulling Yami into his lap and rubbing his nose into Yami's neck again before adding,

"I think you enjoyed that."

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