Chapter 13

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I walked into the office. All the work that I hadn't done in the last month had piled up. I groaned. It was my own fault it had piled up so much, and now I was the one having to deal with the repercussions of it.

I sat down at my desk and began to sort through it all. I knew it was going to take an awful long time to get through all of it.

I looked at what was first in front of me. All of the pack duties. Border duty rota that had to be changed, rogues and other creatures in the cells. I think it should be my father that is responsible for all this, but apparently I needed a look in to what would be coming to hit me in the face.

And believe me, it was hitting me in the face.

I changed up the border rota quite quickly, that was all completely easy stuff. Just stick names on a list, and make sure to not put on the names that were there previously.

Then it was time to deal with the cells. I groaned. This usually included interrogating, some blood being shed, and if it came to it, death. Slightly gorey, but that was our life.

I got up and headed to where the cells were. I opened the door, only to be greeted by screams. Then a sound of a hand colliding with skin, followed by another cry of pain.

What the fuck? I quickened my pace down the stairs, and almost exploded at the sight I was seeing.

I could smell that there was a human in there. Why the heck was a human in my pack?

Then my eyes laid on the two guards. Lexus and Lexi. They were each taking turns going at the human girl. She was complete skin and bones. Her entire body was covered in bruises and sores.

In all honesty, she resembled something out of horror movie. Like that corpse that decides to make an appearance in the middle of a scene, and scare the life out of someone.

I walked over, Kells threatening to take over. "What do you think you are doing?!" I yelled at the brothers.

The both looked in shock as they saw me. They looked like rabbits stuck in head lights.

"Alpha Kai...." they both stuttered. I'm not overly sure why I was being called alpha, I wasn't yet. Oh well, now was not the time to be dwelling on that.

I growled at them, fuming. How dare they forcefully put themselves onto a woman. They tried adjusting themselves quickly, trying to cover up.

I couldn't belive my pack members, we're doing this. How dare they treat someone like this. Rogue, human, or anything else, until they were proven of doing something, or breaking a law, they were to be treated respectfully. No one would ever cooperate if you treated them badly.

That was my outlook on it anyways, not everyone always agreed.

Glaring I ripped into the two in front of me. "How dare you treat someone like this. Especially a woman. You are guards. You are supposed to guard people. You took advantage of your role. You abused her. The two of you, are being exiled from the pack. I do not want anyone here, who is not willing to follow the laws I have set. Now, you have five minutes to leave, before I set the warriors after you. Clear?" I said with finality in my voice. They nodded once, and left.

I let out a sigh. This was so far from how I usually was.

If this was responsibility, then wow it was intense.

I turned to the girl. I recognised her, but only vaguely. I don't think she was one of the flings I had, she seemed more familiar, I just couldn't think where I knew her from.

She was crippled on the ground, refusing to even look up at me. I'm not sure if it was because she couldn't, or didn't want to.

I picked her up bridal style, and carried her out of the cells. I could feel how tensed up she was. She didn't move a muscle the entire time she was in my arms.

I kept my head held as I walked into the pack house. I knew I was receiving some crazy looks, and with the occasional growl, I returned it. That was the end of that.

I walked up the stairs to one of the spare rooms. She deserved some level of comfort, especially after all of what she had been through.

I opened the door and sat her down on the bed. She kept her head downcast. I sighed. I walked to the closet and pulled out a tshirt and a pair of knee length trousers. I placed them on the bed along with some underwear.

"The bathroom is the door in front of you, and wardrobe to the left," I said pointing at each, "and you'll be required to stay in this room until you're stronger, and we can talk."

Still no movement from her. She was persistent, I'll give her that.

I went to go walk out of the room, before I turned around and looked back at her. "I'll be up with some food and something to drink in about half an hour. That should be enough time to let you shower and rest for a bit."

I walked out, closing the door gently. There were cameras within the corridors, so if she left, I'd see it. Something told me she wouldn't though.

I sighed yet again. I should find something else to do instead of sigh. Maybe a hair ruffle, or knuckle cracking. This whole sighing business, well, was getting rather repetitive.

I headed down to where I knew Alex and David were. They were in the kitchen. That's where the food was. I didn't have to link either of them to know that's where they were.

As I entered the kitchen, everyone who was there bowed their heads at me. I felt like royalty.

Oh wait, I am. At least in the werewolf world anyways.

I wasn't as much of a tyrant as the human monarchy seemed to be. They were pure mental. And why would you wear a crown? They look too shiny. I guarantee you if the light hitbthat crown wrong, you'd end up blinded if you looked at it.

I left my crazy thoughts as I gathered up the food for the girl. Some sandwiches, and some water. I doubt she'd eat much right now.

No words were exchanged between Max, David and myself. David especially seemed to be especially off sorts with the girl. Odd.

I gave them a nod as I left the kitchen to head back up the stairs to five Ana her things.

I opened the door to the room she was in, and was greeted with a completely naked girl in the room.


And done again ahah.
This chapter seemed a bit meh to me ahah. Let me know what you thought of it. And 500 reads aha damn didn't think I'd even get 10.

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Thanks for readinggggg

Ciara x

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