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The velvety blanket that is the darkness was momentarily a friend when it usually would be a foe. It was close to pitch black, with only the flimsy, flickering streetlights illuminating the dark alley. The scarceful luminous stars were helping none, for they were kept out of view by blocks of buildings, and when they did peek in between buildings, they were mostly shadowed by clouds.

Nights like these were typically bustled with wailing sounds of sirens, angry horns and jibberish drunks. They came all random and loud but they were as much of an interference as they were white noises, depending if any attention was being paid to them. Just so if someone were to be paying even the slightest of attention to the activity that was going on in one of the dark alleys, they would have heard some strange sounds that were mid-way of someone dying or someone deliriously high on drugs. Either way, the soft purring, the breathless moaning and the rough tenor of growls were drowned out by the impeccably notorious sounds of the city.

The night began with one simple task. Simple, yet the longer the task went on, it reluctantly turned into monotonous and dreadfully uneventful. It would have been exquisitely dull if it wasn't for the delightful company whose ability to talk people's ears off matches his own. Ten more minutes and it would have been exactly five hours Tyler was stuck staring at the passing people and loud drunks coming out from the club across the street. His eyes were starting to water, his ass felt flat for sitting for so long and he don't think he can feel his legs at this point.

He popped another sour cream flavoured chips into his mouth before he offered the bag to Marcus, who was almost as bored as he was, if not more. After the fiasco of letting Sam Pepper escape by a hairs breadth, yet again, they had a strong suspicion of an inner mole who's constantly feeding Sam and his men with critical information. Tyler is a firm believer of coincidences, given the correct set of situations but these many times of near capture only to have him slithe away like water in cupped hands was more than coincidences. No one is as lucky as that son of a bitch. He must have had help, one way or another.

The stakeout was proving to be a bust; they have been at it like two stooges but their efforts weren't producing any reward. What they have was a stiff back and probably a stiffer ass as a result of sitting in that cramped cop car for five hours straight. Their source have led them there in a dark alley, in front of the infamous club operated by Sam's henchman. The club is such a talk of the underground scene, for rumours said that for any patrons who frequent the club, men and women alike, they all came for the same reason, one goal, which is to have a chance to meet with the club's most prized possession, The Twins. It is said that anyone who has the opportunity to be in the presence of The Twins, they will be experiencing the best night of their lives, visually, mentally and some say, physically and spiritually. Words spread like wild fire and young men and women flocked over to the club and hoped that the lucky one would be them. 

What the patrons don't know, is the fact that people, especially girls were reported missing after they have visited there. It was an ominous suspicion, that girls were chosen carefully, all of whom were not from the city and they were taken from the club after they have had their incredibly out-of-body-experience with The Twins. Tyler tried to imagine The Twins as Gods, as their appeal was describe as such, strong enough to be attracting people from all over just to see them. It was either that, or drugs. He'd rather believe that he'd find a gay alien out there than to accept that a living human being may possess such great allure. So, his sceptism remains, he's banking on drugs.

Even though the club reeked of illegal activities but the files on the twins were literally paper thin, despite their popularity. All the force had on them was their name, Harries, and the public and witness' profiling of them. They are such a mystery and never once caught on camera, but they were described to be unbelievably beautiful. The charm that they exude and the aura that they give out would have caused a riot if a riot is what they wanted. Handsome, charismatic and there is two of them, Tyler would very much like to see this mysterious pair for himself to really understand the scale of their attraction.

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