Chapter 26

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Keaton POV

  About 4 days past Megan still living with us, I can’t believe her aunt would kick her out. I've been staying home to keep her company but she doesn't really come out of the room unless she knows no one down there she doesn't want to talk about it.  I'm still like all stressed out with the whole thing of her being pregnant and I might be a dad. I was in my room watching TV. "Hey bro" Wes said, "Hey" I said, "How is she?" he ask, "I don't know she doesn't want to talk to me" I said, "Not just you Drew and I try she just won’t talk it’s not health for her to stay locked up like this" he said, “I just wish she talk to me" I said, "Give her some space, she been through enough" Wesley said. "I don't even think Megan would want to talk to you after what you said to her" Drew said walking in sitting on my bed. "I know I was an ass" I said. I was an ass I shouldn't have said that to her, I was just really upset for what happened.

    "Yeah you were an ass" Megan said, she standing there wearing tights and Drew tank. "Going through my stuff Meg" Drew said, "I needed something comfortable to sleep in" she said, "How are you feeling?" Wesley ask, "I don't know okay I guess, look I need to get more of my things, I will try to get a job get money and get my own place" she said, "No you’re staying here, you can live here" I said, "Drew been living on the couch there no room" she said.

   "We talked it over, Drew going to move into my room and from there we will figure out" Wesley said, "I'm just in the way" she said, "Hey no you’re not come here" Drew said, she came over and sat on bed next to Drew. "You are not in the way, we want you here"

    "Yeah Meg you are like family, the four of us can raise this baby" Wesley said. "What if Keaton not the dad" she said, "Let’s hope Tyler comes around" I said, even if I'm not the dad I will be there for her. "We love you Megan" Drew said, Drew hugged her, "Yeah we do" Wesley said he hugged her also, "Come on Keats feel the love" Drew said. I laughed we all hugged her, "Okay guys I get it" she said, "Nope were not letting go" Wesley said, we were all laughing. "Guys stop" she said laughing.

    We let go of her, we kept on laughing. "Still need us to help you move out?" I ask, "Yeah I need to get the rest of my stuff" she said, "Let’s go then" Wesley said. We left the room, going out to the cars driving over to Megan house. "Good she not home" she said. We got out to the front door; Megan was trying to unlock the door. "What’s wrong?" I ask, "You got to be kidding me, she change the locks, such a bitch" she said, "So how are we supposed to get in?" Drew ask, Megan walked to the backyard we followed her. "Going to climb to my window its open" she said, "Like you are, I will do it" I said, I wasn't going to her climb up the tree she pregnant. I climb up going into her room; I stood there looking at a picture of us when we were kids. I went down stairs to unlock the door.

    "Took you long enough, come on let’s get what I need before she comes" she said, we went to her room. "What are we going to get?" I ask, "Okay put my clothes in these bags" she said, we packed up most of her things. We put everything in the cars and left.

     We put her stuff in Drew room, "All settled" Wesley said, "Yeah for now I guess" she said, "Were going to go out and get some food want to come?" Drew said, "I rather stay home, thanks though" she said, "It’s just going to be us" I said, "I just want to rest right now" she said, "Okay see you later" Drew said, we left the house, but I felt bad for leaving her alone at the house, she seems really sad not herself I know she been through a lot, but I hope she okay I truly care about her.

 Megan POV

       The guys left the house, I really want to do alone I just don't know how I am feeling, like all I want to do is lay in bed and just cry, crying seems the only thing I can do at this point. I don't know how I am going to raise this baby; I know nothing about being a mom. And not knowing who the dad is just harder than I thought. I honestly have no idea what I am going to do.

     I only leave the room when the guys are sleeping or not home, so I don't have to talk with them. I just don't want to talk about it. I went to the kitchen grabbing the bag of beef jerky and went back to the room, it’s probably Wesley food, but oh well, I am hungry. Like ever since I got pregnant I just want to eat all day, but yet sometimes I don't want to eat. I was unpacking my clothes and I realize I am going to need some new clothes, I'm getting fat and my jeans won’t fit me, things are just so not good right now.

      I heard the boys were home, I went in bed so they think I was sleeping I knew Keaton would come in to check on me. "Megan you awake, I brought you back some food, it will be down there" Keaton said outside of the door, I didn't answer him. I didn't get why he was being so nice to me, because of me I ruin his life he might be a father, how is he going to be a dad right now with his career on music, I messed up big time. And if Tyler the father, I don't even know if he ever wants anything to do with me but I will be alone on this. I just started to cry again, crying myself to sleep seem like a thing I am going to be doing for now.

Chapter 26(: Just a short chapter I wanted to update early!! There are 4 chapters left and I decided that there will be a sequel!!!(:  More details about that coming soon!! Thanks for supporting this story, keep on voting(:

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