Chapter 25

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   Megan POV

       I was shaking so bad, I wasn't ready to tell everyone the truth but I had to do it, it had to be done. Robin walked in the house. "Hey Megan is everything alright?" Robin ask, "Yeah, I'm hoping it will be, I text everyone to come over at 6:30, I'm going to tell them" I said. "It will be okay" she said. We were in the kitchen just waiting there.

    Wes and Drew came running in. "What happened?" Wesley asks, "What are you guys doing here?" Keaton asks, "You weren't supposed to come yet" I said, "We live here and we want to know before everyone else" Drew said. "Yeah so what it is" Wesley said, "I can’t tell you guys, you have to wait for everyone else" I said. “Oh come on" Drew said. I was trying so hard not to cry right now. "Drew you know most of it, remember San Diego" I said.

    "Oh yeah I do" he said looking at Keaton. "Well there more to it" I said, "Oh shit what happened" he said, "She can’t say it yet" Robin said, "Of course you know" Drew said, "She knew from the beginning" Keaton said, "Hold up, I am so confused right now, Drew, Robin and Keaton know what's going on, I am out of the group, come on tell me" Wesley said. I wanted to tell him, maybe I should. "Wes, before you guys came back from your tour, I realize I was in love with Keaton but I couldn't be with him because Taylor liked him too, and so I tried to move on but Keaton and I have been sneaking around" I said, "Whoa" Drew said.

    "You two together, while you were with Tyler" Wesley said, "This meeting is more for Taylor and Tyler" Robin said, "We want the truth to come out" Keaton said, "But there one more thing" I said, "What is it?" Wesley asks, I started to cry I couldn't say it, I couldn't say I was pregnant. "I can’t" I cried, Robin hugged me. "Meg let me tell them, they are my brothers, and I need him like how you needed Robin" Keaton said. It’s only fair Keaton should tell them.

   "Tell them" I said, "Megan is...." Keaton said shaking really bad, he took a deep breath. "Megan" Taylor said, Taylor KyLee and Tyler walked in. "Shit" he said. "Um guys go in the living room" Robin said, Wesley pulled me outside Drew followed us. "Meg please tell us" Wesley said. "I'm pregnant and either Keaton or Tyler is the father" I came out with it. They both had a shock worried face. ''Please don't hate me"

   "No of course" Drew said, they both hugged me. "Go in there, it’s going to be alright" Wesley said. We went back inside, it felt good to tell them but now I am even more scared to tell the rest of them. Tyler, Taylor and KyLee were sitting on the couch. "Meg what’s going on?" Tyler asks, he came up to me hugging me. "It’s time for the truth" I said, Tyler sat back down, Robin, Wes and Drew stood off to the side. Keaton stood next to me.

    "What truth?" Taylor asks, "Just hear them before you guys say anything" Robin said. "Meg" Keaton said looking at me. I had to do it. "I got this" I said. "Megan" Tyler said. I looked at him and I just wanted to cry some more. I took a deep breath.

   "Keaton and I have been seeing each other, we have been sneaking around, and to see each other “I said,” Wait you guys are together?" Taylor asks, "Tay" I said, "No, you guys have been going behind our backs" she said with a tone. "Taylor, I've been in love with Keaton and I was going to tell you but you told me you liked him so I tried to back off but I couldn't" I said, "So all those times you said you were talking to him for me you'd been doing it for yourself" she said, "I'm sorry, I tried not to, I tried to move on but it just happened" I said, "I'm in just shock right now, I never thought you would do that Meg" KyLee said.

    Tyler looked so pissed, "Tyler please say something" I said, "You cheated on me, everything has been a lie between us" Tyler said, "No it wasn't, I was confused I didn't know" I said, "When I ask you if you still has feeling for Keaton you were with him" he said, "No I wasn't" I said, "Stop your lying" he yelled at him. "Ty calm down" Keaton said, Tyler stood up going to Keaton, "Calm down you have the nerve to tell me to calm down, my best friend has been with my girlfriend" he said angry. "Stop, stop" Wesley said going in the middle of them. "I can’t believe you Megan my own friend, my best friend" Taylor said, "We wanted to break it off but it’s just hard and I can’t explain it" I said. "So that's the reason you went to New York so you guys could be together alone" she said. "I'm out of here" Tyler said.

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