Chapter 10

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Megan POV

    That night we hung out at Keaton's was so awkward with him and Taylor, she would be all flirty with him and he would like back off. Like all the things he told about her doesn't seem real, I just wonder if he doing that just because I am in the room.

     I wanted to talk with Keaton about what Taylor and I talked about, but I didn't get a chance to be alone with him, and I did not what to do it over a text.

     All morning at school I was thinking about what I would say to him. It was lunch time I was by my locker, "Hey did you talk to Keaton yet?" Taylor ask, "Not yet, I was thinking I would after school" I said, "Thank you, he has been acting so weird now, I'm not sure" she said, "Don't worry about it too much" I said, I wanted this to work out with Taylor and Keaton, because if it doesn't I know in some way it would be my fault.

   "Hey guys, Tyler said to meet him outside for lunch" KyLee said, "Yeah okay" I said, "Oh no" Taylor said, "What" I said, "Troy coming this way" she said, I turned and looked at him, "Come on let’s just go" KyLee said, I shut my locker and we walked away. "Megan wait" I heard Troy behind us, I turned to him.

    "What do you want?" I ask, "I need 5 minutes of your time please" he said, "Meg don't come on" Taylor said, "No you guys go ahead I will catch up" I said, they walked away.

    "What say you want to say?"

     "I will keep it short, you are a liar" he said, the hell is going through his head this time. "What are you talking about?" I ask, "You lied to me" he said, "About what?" I ask, "Keaton how you said you just like him as a friend" he said, "Which I do" I said, "Enough of your bullshit Megan, I saw you guys together" he said. Oh no what did he see.

    "What do you mean?" I ask, "I saw you guys at the beach kissing, hugging, at first I wanted to go up to you yell at you, but I figured why not yell at you here" he said, "Troy you don't know what you saw, and you just need to stay out of my business because my life doesn't involve you anymore, so back off" I said, I walked away and he grad my arm pulling me closer to him.

    "You don't walk away from me, were not finish here" he said, "Let go of my arm Troy" I said, "Admit to yourself you are a slut" he said, "Let go of me" I yelled, people were starting to stare at us, "Hey" Tyler said walking towards us, "Didn't you hear her, let go of her arm"

  Troy just looked at him, "Get off" I said, I pushed him back. I went over to Tyler. "Whatever, she a damn slut" Troy said, he walked away; Tyler walked up to him turned him around and punch him right in the face.

    "Tyler" I yelled, Troy punch him back they were fighting, "Stop it you guys"

    Everyone came around us, I tried to pull Tyler away from him, "Tyler stops he not worth it"

    Tyler was on top of him punching him in the face, "Megan" I heard Taylor, I went over to her, two teachers came and pulled Tyler off and hold them back, "Enough both of you to the principle office" one of the teacher said, Troy face was so bloody, I had no idea why Tyler would do that.

   Why would Tyler do that, he didn't have to. All class I couldn't think I had to make sure Tyler was okay. After school I ran trying to find Tyler, "Meg what the hell what happened?" KyLee ask, "Troy was being a dick and he called me a slut and Tyler punched him" I said, "Tyler started the started the fight" Taylor said, "Well from the look Tyler totally kicked his ass" KyLee said, "Do you know where he is?" I ask them, "I heard they suspended the both of them" Taylor said, "I have to go" I said.

    I went over to Tyler house; I have to talk with him about this. I texted him saying I was coming over, I walked inside going to his room; he had an ice pack to his eye. "Hey" Tyler said, "You know you’re supposed to be put meat on your face" I said, "Yeah don't think I want dinner on my face" he joked, I laughed a little. "Are you okay?" I ask, "I am fine, just a punch in the eye" he said, I sat next to him on his bed.

   "You did not have to go and punch him like that, he wasn't worth it" I said, "I care about you a lot Megan" he said, I was getting this weird feeling inside of me, like butterflies in my stomach, I am feeling the way I did when I started to like Keaton, but with Tyler. "I know but you didn't have to do that" I said, "I just didn't like him the fact he is calling you a slut when you aren't one" he said, "He can think whatever he wants" I said, I was looking at his eye, he was looking at me I looked at him, he leaned in and kiss me.

   I pulled away standing up, I couldn't believe what just happened, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that" he said, "No... It’s fine... I" I couldn't find my words. "I have to go" I walked out of his house, walking home, I got home going to my room laying on my bed thinking what just happened.

   Tyler kissed me, Tyler kissed me, and I couldn't stop thinking about it I liked it I think.

   Keaton came inside my room and sat on the bed, "What the hell happened?" Keaton asks me. I sat up, "What?" I ask, “Tyler, Taylor told me he got into a fight with Troy" he said, "Yeah, Troy came up to me telling me something he saw" I said, "What did he see?" he ask, "Sorry for bringing it up but remember that one day we were at the beach" I said, "Yeah" he said, "Well he saw us together kissing" I said, "What the hell was he spying on us" he said, "I don't know but he confront me about it and yelled at me and I told him it was none of his business that he needs to stay out of my life and he grab my arm and that's when Tyler step in, Troy called me a slut and Ty punched him" I said.

   "Shit, wait did Taylor hear about us" he said, "No she doesn't know or Tyler" I said, "Good" he said. I wanted to tell Keaton how Tyler kissed me but I wasn't sure if I could, but I have to tell him. "There something else" I said, "What?" he ask, "I wasn't sure if I was going to tell you or anyone, Tyler kissed me" I said, Keaton looked at me with a shocked face, ''What Tyler kissed you, kissed" he said, "Yeah he did" I said, "And how do you feel about it?" he ask, "I don't know, it’s all so confusing right now, I mean I guess it was a mistake" I said, "Do you like him?" he ask.

    "I don't know, I mean I think but I am not sure" I said, it true I wasn't sure if I have feeling for Tyler. "Keaton what's going on with you and Tay?"

   "What do you mean?" he ask, "Are you guys a couple or what?" I ask, this was my chance to talk with him. "We aren't a couple" he said, "Why haven't you asked her yet?" I ask, "Why do you care" he said, "Because she coming to me asking why haven't you asked her or why aren't you all up on her when she is on you" I said, "It's just that it is awkward with me and her, I mean like we talk fine over texts but when we hang out its like kissing is all we can do because we don't talk and she hates playing video games and she just not the girl I thought she was, she not like" he said, "Me" I said cutting him off.

  "Yeah she not like you" he said, he grab my hand, I let go of his hand quickly. "Look Keaton she really likes you she a great girl and you really should give her a chance, we are friends" I said, "I guess you are right, I can try to be with her" he said, "Good" I said, "Want to come over we can play games and invite Ty over" he ask. "Um Keaton I don't think I should, you can invite Tyler over its just I'm not sure if I can see him yet" I said, "Why I thought you didn't like him?" he ask, "I don't it will be awkward okay" I said, "Fine then see you later" he said, we stood up and he hugged me and walked out.

     I went on my bed, thinking it is true I am not sure I can just yet see Tyler, I mean it would be super awkward I just need some time right to think this over.

    Taylor sends me a text saying she having a BBQ and wanted me to come over. I went over there in the backyard seeing Wesley and KyLee sitting on the grass cuddling, Drew and Robin sitting on chairs, I went over to them, "Hey guys" I said, "Megan hey" Robin said, and I looked over seeing Tyler with Keaton and Taylor. We looked at each other, and all I can think is this is so awkward. I had a feeling he would have been here but kind of hoping he wasn't going to.

   They came over to us, "Hey Meg glad you came over" Taylor said, "Yeah I wanted to come" I said, "I just wanted to get the crew together, it’s been a while since we all hung out, it was Keaton idea" she said, I looked at him thinking why in the world he do this, he knows I didn't want to see Tyler yet.

   It was a bit weird we were talking laughing, I tried not to make eye contact with Tyler, but it was hard I act like nothing happened between us, but it was hard. I walked inside the house getting some drinks, I turned around seeing Robin in front of me, "Tell what is going on, you have that look on your face" Robin said.

   "Tyler kissed me" I came out with it.

     Chapter 10(: Hope you guys are liking it!! Keep voting and tell me what u think, thanks guys!!(:

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