You Got My Heart-Keaton Stromberg FanFic

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Chapter One.

    Megan POV

    I remember the first time I met Keaton Stromberg, we were in same class 4th grade year we were both 9, we sat by each other, he was super shy, he wouldn't really talk to me, he was new to school, I totally get it new kid, don't know anyone, don't have any friends. I wouldn't know that feeling; I lived in Huntington Beach my whole life. Well I had a bad life growing up, my dad I have no idea on who he is, he left when I was baby and when I was 5 my mom didn't want to deal with me anymore or my older brother, and since then we have been living with my aunt, she taken us in as her own kids.

    Anyways I decided to step up and talk with him, get to know him, see what kind of things he was into. Turns out he was the sweetest kid I've ever met, we had a lot in common, we both skateboard, played sports and we both love music that was the one that made us best friends. He was really into music; he learned to play the guitar he eventually taught me how to play. Keaton and I did everything together we would hang out almost every single day; we understand each other so well.

   Keaton started a band with his brother Wesley and their best friend Drew, they wrote their own songs, played music all the time, I would support Keaton and the boys at all of their small shows, I would go and be the number fan. Before I met Keaton, I had one best friend; Taylor Ridge, she and I are super close. We have been friends since 1st grade.

   I would bring her to the boy’s show she became good friends with us fast, we would all get along. Even though Wesley was three years older than us and Drew was four years, we all got along perfect. Along the way we met KyLee she moved from Washington, she quickly became friends with Taylor, Keaton and I. And we met Robin; she was the same age as Wes. Tyler was Keaton guy best friend. All of us always hang out together, we do like parties at each other houses, or we got to beach to have a bonfire, we do that almost every night, it was one of the best things.

    Let’s just say we all like each other, Wes and KyLee are pretty much dating, they didn’t admit at first but now they do. Robin and Drew have been on and off, one day they are hooking up and the next day they are fighting it’s weird with those two, they say they don't like each other. Taylor has said she likes Keaton but never did anything about it, but now she doesn't like him.

    As for me, I have a boyfriend Troy, we been together for 6 months, but we have been fighting lately, he really jealous of Keaton how close of friends we are, but it’s getting old doesn't really matter.

   Keaton, Wesley and Drew wanted to step up their game on being a band they wanted more fans more people to see who they are and how talented they are. I suggested they  go out for X factor, they made it all the way to live show and ended up getting 4th place and after that their music career has been crazy. There fan base has gotten so crazy.

   They have done concerts, I've been do every one. They have a single out "Chloe", they have been working so hard, and have an album coming out, it's kind of hard to for Keats and I to hang out, and its rare when we can, normally on his days off. Our lives aren't really the same anymore, on twitter I only have like 24 followers but once girls knew I was Keaton best friend, gotten over 600 follows now.

   He is now and there Goin Back 2 Cali tour, which started in New York and going to end in Huntington, I couldn't go with them this time, I had school and couldn't miss, I was a junior this year with Taylor and KyLee, Keaton was home schooled instead, girls would go crazy if he went to school with us, I do miss him at school a lot.

   It was tough to be far from him, it really felt like our friendship wouldn't be the same, it really wasn't the same anymore, but we talked every day we would update each other on what's going on.

   Being away from him made me realize how much he really means to me, it's a different feeling with him now, we flirt now and we don't even know it, we text so much, it almost seem like we were a couple. I couldn't wait for him to be back, and the concert was going to be amazing, I was so excited.

    But I was more excited about seeing Keaton again, him being gone made me see that I may see him more as friend, but wasn't sure really, I didn't want this to ruin our friendship at all.

    But the day was finally here, I was seeing Keaton today, he was driving from Las Vegas, I couldn't be more excited to see my best friend and might actually have feeling for him, but wasn't sure about it but all I care about is seeing my best friend.

   The girls and I had a sleep over at Robin house, so we could just get ready together and head to the beach spending the whole day there with the boys before they went up on stage.

 TEXT MESSAGE FROM KEATON: Hey I am almost in California, I can’t wait to see you(:


I looked at my phone smiling so big, I couldn't help it.

    Chapter one(: Just filling in on Megan life and how it is and it will get better soon(: Please vote and comment and say what u think and tell people bout this story(: On the side is who Megan is (:

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