Chapter 19

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   Megan POV

            We were all at the boys place having a little get together before we left to New York for a couple of days. "Hey Meg" KyLee said, "Hey" I said, "I'm shocked your aunt letting you go to New York with the boys since you were on lockdown last week" she said, I lied to the girls saying I was on lockdown because I wanted to see Keaton. "She crazy and I normally work my way out of things, nice bruise on your arm does Wesley beat you" I said, "Yupp that boy just beats me" she joked, we laughed, "No Tay, Robin and I went skateboarding"

    "You guys went skateboarding without me, how rude" I said, "We ask you to come but you were on lockdown" she said, "Wait the night you ask me to sleepover at Taylor you guys went to the skate park" I said, "Yeah we did we got bored and we went at night" she said, oh shit that was them, it was them at the park Keaton and I were hiding from, I had a funny feeling in me what if they saw us or something. "Oh that sounds fun" I lied trying so hard to shake.

   "It was, oh and we saw this couple on the big tree at park" she said, my heart seriously stopped, they know, they know it was us. "Oh yeah do you know who it was?" I ask nervously, "No they had there hoods on probably just middle schoolers" she said, "Right, um have you seen Tyler" I said changing the subject, "I think he in the kitchen" she said, "Going to go find him" I said, "Hi Megan" Wesley said passing me, "Hey Wes stop beating up your girlfriend" I joked to him, "Really KyLee" he said we both laugh, I walked away.

    I saw Tyler in the kitchen with Robin and I saw Keaton outside with Taylor I need to get to him and tell him before Taylor does. I walked in trying to not get seen by Tyler. "Megan" Drew said I stopped and looked at him, "Hi Drew, Tyler" I said, Tyler came over to me hugging me, "You okay?" Tyler asks, "Yeah I am good" I lied. "So Meg while you are in New York with those dorks you have to score some good shopping down there" Robin said, "Duh probably going to drag Keaton with me" I said, we laughed. Tyler and Drew went outside.

   "Robin while I am in New York I am going to see my mom" I said, "Wait she there?" she asked, I never told her about Zach. "Shit I forgot Zach came and saw me and he found her but she wants nothing to do with us" I said, "Damn Meg are you sure you want to see her" she said, "I have to, if I want to find my dad then yes I need to see her" I said, "Just be careful and have one of the boys go with you" she said, "I’m going to bring Keaton" I said, "Good and good luck" she said we hugged. It’s so hard not being able to tell Robin about Keaton and me but in a good way its best she doesn't know.

     I send Keaton a text saying meet in upstairs; I went up there to his room. He came in shutting the door, "What is it?" Keaton said, "I didn't tell you this but that night we went to the park, Taylor ask me to come over to sleepover and I said no because I wanted to see you" I said, "And what is the problem?" he ask, "Remember those girls at the stake park, it was them Robin, Taylor and KyLee" I said, "What how do you know?" he ask freaking out, "KyLee just told me" I said, "They didn't see us did they" he said, "She said yes but she couldn't tell it was us because we were wearing our hoods" I said, "That's good then we didn't get caught" he said, "But we almost did" I said, he hugged me, "We just have to be more careful" he said, this was to crazy we almost got caught, I'm more scared now to sneak at night now.

   We looked at each other and kissed. "I love you" I said, "I love you" he said, "Let’s go back down there before we get caught again" I said we laughed. We went down there hanging out. Around 11 everyone left we had an early flight to catch. I was outside with Tyler by his car. "I am going to miss you" Tyler said, "I'm going to miss you too" I said, he kissed me, I really didn't feel anything when he kissed me but yet I still have a bit of feeling for him. We hugged, ''Are you sure you don't want me to stay" he said, "No its okay probably going go to bed now, I am really tired" I said, he hugged me again really tight but he wouldn't let go of me, "Tyler let me go"

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