Chapter 17

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Megan POV

       Two days went by I'm not sure how I am feeling about all this; I am so confused I like them both very much, I don't want to hurt anyone. Tyler was coming over today, I wasn't sure if I wanted to see him right now, for how guilty I am feeling about kissing Keaton. I was in my room trying to looking like I was okay and nothing happened the other day. "Hey pretty girl" Tyler said walking in my room, I looked at him, "Hey" I said, he kissed me. "You okay?" he ask, "Yeah I'm okay, totally fine" I lied I'm not okay.

   "Keaton called me" he said, "What?" I said in a panic, "Yeah Drew and him want to do a bonfire tonight and then a sleep over at Robin" he said, god he scared me I thought Keaton told him or something, "Oh okay yeah just let me get my stuff together" I said, I went to grad a bag and put clothes in it, Tyler came up from behind me hugging me. I smiled, "What are you doing Ty"

    "Just hugging my girl" he said, I laughed, I turned looking at him and we kissed, "Let’s go" I said, we walked down stairs, "Hey Meg, hi Tyler" Aunt Katie said, "Hey" he said, "Hey, I'm going to bonfire and then sleep over at Robin" I said, "Um Megan I don't think that's a good idea" she said, "What why?" I ask, why was she saying this she never cared before. "I will just go wait outside" he said, Tyler walked out.

   "Megan you can go to the bonfire but then come home" she said, 'I don't get why I can’t go to Robin's place you never cared before" I said, "I just think it’s not a good idea now that you are dating Tyler" she said, "Aunt Katie the guys never sleep over that's why we have bonfire to hang out and then the girls leave" I lied, "I just don't want you making the same mistake as your mom" she said, "You got nothing to worry about, I am nothing like her" I said.

    I walked out going to Tyler car. "Everything all good?' Tyler asks, "Yeah it’s all fine" I said, he drove off to Robin. We walked on in, "Sup girl" he said "Hey guys, thought we were meeting at the pier" Robin said, "Yeah Megan wanted to come over and drop off her things" he said, "Cool then Tyler can drive" she said, "Yeah, yeah lets go" he said, he went out.

   "Hey you didn't call me what happened with Keaton?" she ask, "It went all good, we talk it over" I lied, I couldn't tell her, this is one thing I can’t tell anyone. "Good, hopefully it all goes good tonight" she said, "I hope" I said. We went out to Ty car.

    We got to the beach walking to the pier, "TYLER!" Keaton yelled, "KEATON!" Tyler yelled, they ran to each other, Keaton jumped into his arms, "Bro moment over there" KyLee said, "Let them have a minute" I said, we laughed, we walked on the beach. Drew and Wes were setting up a fire; it was weird towards Keaton and I we didn't really talk much. "Where the chocolate?" Wesley ask, "Oh damn its back at the car" Drew said, "That's a long walk" Wesley said, "Don't be a baby, it’s not that far" KyLee said, "I will go, since you guys wont" I said, "I'll go with you" Keaton said, I stared at him, why did he wanted to come with, he shouldn't come with me.

   "Okay come on" I said, Drew threw me his keys and Keaton and I walked away. I was walking fast so I didn't have to talk to him, it was just weird, I mean we both did something really bad and it could hurt someone. "So how are you?" Keaton asks, "I'm fine" I came out with it. "We need to talk" he said, I stop and stood in front of him, "Then talk Keaton" I said, "Not here where they can see us" he said, he pulled my arm and went to the parking lot, it was getting dark so no one could see us.

   "Megan, I know what we did was wrong, but in a way, I liked it and I do love you"

   "Keaton I do love you and I will always love you, but there Tyler he was the one to help me get over my heart ache with you and be that guy for me, but in a way I liked what we did also" I said, I went a bit closer to him, he put his arms around me, I put my hands on his face and we began to kiss. "We can’t tell anyone not even Robin" he said, "This will be our little secret" I said, "Good" he said, we started to kiss again.

   He started to kiss my neck, "Okay, okay, stop we have to stop" I said pushing him off, "What?" he ask confused, "I mean we have to get back before they realize we have been gone too long" I said, he smiled and we kissed one more time. We got to Drew car, "At Robin house lets sneak away" he said, "How?" I ask, "I will think of something" he said. We headed back to the beach.

  "There you guys are, jeez I wanted my chocolate" Wesley said, "Oh here your chocolate boy" I said I threw it at him, "What took you guys so long?" Taylor ask, "Keaton took me to the wrong parking lot" I lied, he looked at me, "Way to go bro" Drew said, I sat next to Tyler, he put his arm around me and kissed my head, Keaton was looking at us, I was looking at him, this was so crazy I can’t even believe I agree to this. We stayed at the beach for a while just jamming out to some songs.

   We were all at Robin place, eating food while Drew was playing his guitar. I went into the bedroom to get some blankets, Keaton came in and kissed me, I back away. "Are you crazy" I whispered, "Couldn't help myself" Keaton said, I laughed, "When everyone sleeping meet me outside" He walked out. I walked out. Surprising we all went to bed at 1 in the morning; we normally stay up almost all night. I was laying on the floor with Tyler, I manage to slip away and go downstairs, it was a bit cold, and I should have grad a jacket. Keaton came walking down. "Hey" I said, "Hey, you okay?" he said, "Cold" I said, he took off his hoodie giving it to me, I smiled at him.

   We walked away over to the other side, and we stood there making out for the longest time, "This is crazy isn't it" he said, "Just a bit" I said, "I love you" he said, "I love you too" I said, we started making out again, his hands went up the hoodie and touching my back, I was against a wall he was pushed up against me, he was kissing me so rough, he was kissing my neck, I could feel his warm breath in my ear, he kept on pushing up against me.

    "Keaton" "Yeah" he said kissing my neck, "We shouldn't do this here" I said, he looked at me, "You are right, we should get back" he said, we grad hands walking back, we snuck back in no one knew we were gone, I was laying there thinking about Keaton.

   The next morning I woke up and sat seeing everyone was sleeping still, we all ended up crashing in the living room I saw that I still have on Keaton hoodie I took it off of me so fast throwing it towards Keaton, I looked him Taylor was sleeping all cuddled up against him, I felt bad but yet I couldn't stop what we were doing. I grad my phone to look at myself and I look at my neck, I freaked and I ran to Robin room to her bathroom seeing Keaton left me two huge hickeys. "No, no, no, no" I said looking at them, I was freaking out, Tyler would know he didn't give me these, I am so dead, this wasn't a good idea, I shouldn't have gone. I heard a knock on the door, "Megs it me Keats" I heard, I put my hair down to cover my neck, I opened the door, he came in closing the door.

   "You alright?" Keaton ask, "No we got a problem" I said, "What" he said, I pushed my hair back, "This" I said pointing at my neck, "Holy shit, did I do that" he said, "Yes you did" I said, he laughed, "That's not funny"

    "I didn't know I could give a hickey, does it hurt" he said playing around trying to touch it, "Stop it" I said smacking his hand away. He laughed,  "Can’t you put make up on it" he said, "I guess I never had one before" I said I was looking through Robin make up finding some cover up, I put some on my neck it hid my hickeys a bit. "Can you see them?"

    "Not really but you better wear a scarf" he said, "I don't have one" I said hitting him, "Hey, hey easy" he said laughing; I couldn't help but laugh along. I put my hair down. "For meantime" I said, we walked out everyone was still sleeping, Keaton and I sat there looking at each other and we were just texting each other all cute

Chapter 17!!!(: Sorry it was a long wait but its here(: I was stuck for a week on what to write, but its here hope you guys enjoy it and keep voting and telling me what you think(: Merry Christmas love you<3

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